Feb 10, 2008 17:08
Saw Cloverfield today! And I actually liked it quite a bit. The shaky handheld camera shtick was pretty effective in creating the atmosphere, and of course I am a sucker for Terrible Thing Destroys [insert city here] movies. I lost track of the dialog once everyone started shouting and buildings began collapsing, but that's okay, because I didn't see it for the dialog. I at least understood enough in the beginning to know relationships and names, even if I got Rob and Hud confused a lot.
And then last night I downloaded and watched Spider-Man 3. orz. orz orz orz IT WAS HYSTERICAL but probably not in the way it was supposed to be. I think I actually cringed during it, when I wasn't throwing my hands up and making incredulous noises. I. I am tempted to delete it, but I figure I can probably watch it when I feel down. Because. I will not be able to take my emo seriously after it.
Carla's back, staying in our apartment for... ... I don't actually know how long! I thought it was for a few days but I am no longer sure. :/ But I'm not really going to bitch about it, because even though I may shrink in about this Invasion of my space!1!!1!, I think it's really good for my roommate to have someone who will drag her out to do things. And to talk to, and do all that girly stuff they do that I have no interest in. I hope my roommate's morale will improve. ... but if she's still here by the end of the week, I may do some polite inquiring.
real life