pt 2

Sep 23, 2006 18:52

Title: A Love Ends Suicide
Rating: PG 13 now.

Sorry for the wait. I was too happy to write depressed. lol. Just so you dont get confused, this story is gonna jump from the 2 different settings for a while.

Bam was up against his door, desperately trying to keep the person on the other side from getting in.
"I really should get locks on these things," he thought.

“If you don’t let me in, Bam, I’m going to break this door down!” Ryan Dunn’s voice thundered into Bam’s room. He knew if he let Ryan in he’d have to talk to him and he really didn’t want to do that. But he also knew that if he didn’t let Ryan in he’d have to buy a new door.

“Alright, fine, come in,” Bam said as he backed away from the door. Ryan didn’t expect Bam’s early surrender and when the door opened, he fell on top of Bam.

“The second I get up, you’re telling me what’s going on.” Ryan stood up and stared down at Bam. He didn’t look too good. His eyes were red from crying, and he hadn’t changed his clothes in days.

“Nothing’s going on.” Bam said a few moments later.

“Oh come on, don’t lie. I can tell when something’s up with you. You’ve been pretty boring ever since Ville left. Just tell me what’s wrong, maybe I can help.”

“It’s no big deal, really. Nothing I can’t handle on my own.”

“Dude, you’ve obviously been crying all morning. I think you’re gonna need some help.” Ryan was right, Bam did need help, but he wasn’t sure how to ask for it.

“Fine, if you really wanna know. But you’re not going to want to help.” Bam felt a few tears well up after he uttered the words.

“Bam, I’m your best friend. Of course I’ll want to help you. But I can’t do anything if I don’t know what’s wrong.” Ryan was almost afraid of what Bam was about to say. He’d never seen him this sad and confused before.

“Alright.” He paused. “I’m in love with this-” he stopped again. “person, and they have no idea and-” This time Ryan cut him off.

“Bam, that’s it? I can easily help you with that. We just invite her to a bar and you can ask her out on a date. No one in their right mind would refuse a date with Bam Margera.”

“No, Ry, you didn’t let me finish. I…” he trailed off.

“Alright, then finish. It can’t be that bad,“ he saw Bam crying freely now. “Bam, calm down, it’s okay. Just tell me.” He put an arm around Bam.

“Please don’t freak out.”

“We do crazy shit all the time and I hardly freak out. Tell me what’s wrong already.” Ryan was getting really impatient.

“Okay, Ryan, I don’t like a girl.” Bam was barely whispering.

“Then what’s really wrong?”

“That is what’s wrong! I’m in love with a guy not a girl!” Bam began sobbing against Ryan, waiting for him to push him away in disgust after thinking about what he’d just said. But Ryan didn’t, and Bam looked up at him.

“Well, that was unexpected, but alright.” Ryan eventually said. “I can deal with that. Who is it?’

Bam wasn’t sure if he wanted to answer that or not. He was still sobbing and wasn’t thinking rationally.

“Ville fucking Valo.” There was silence after he said that.

“Really? Wow. Okay.” Ryan was very surprised and a little amused. There had obviously been something between them, but he always thought they were just really close friends. “So he has no clue that you like him?”

“No, he knows I like him. He figured it out years ago. I think he might even like me back.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“Ville has no idea that I’m in love with him. He probably thinks it’s just a crush or some drunken rendezvous. “

“Wait, did you guys do anything?” More silence.

“We just kissed…”

“I still don’t see the problem. Ville wouldn’t just kiss you if he knew you liked him. You guys could be together.. Might be a little weird but you could do it.”

“Yeah but now he’s in fucking Finland, half-way across the world, and has no idea how much I love him.”

“Ever hear of a phone? You need to calm down and get yourself together.” Bam knew he was right. He just didn’t want to face the rejection he was ultimately going to get from Ville when he confessed his undying love for him over the phone. Bam wanted to put that off as long as he could, live in his half hopeful, half depressed state of mind.

“Thanks for understanding, I’m surprised you didn’t run away from me.” Bam stopped crying and stood up.

“ I don’t care if you’re gay, you’re still Bam, my best friend.” Ryan realized how sappy that sounded after he said it.

“Thanks again Ryan. I’m glad you’re my best friend.” Ryan hugged him briefly and they parted again.

“Just seriously, call him, Bam. Give it a chance.” Ryan smiled and walked out of Bam’s room.

Tell me what you think :DDD

vam, bam margera, ville valo

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