Jun 28, 2005 10:52
woke up at exactly 10:00 because brandon(not wallace) called me when he got in texas. and last night i got bored so i pierced me lip...again...except my safety pin was to dull sooooo... i yanked it out (it was almost through) and was like hey imma pierce my ear and i was talking on the phone with Brandon while doin this to, and he was like Damn! so i pierced my 3rd hole on my right ear, and then i was like wow i'm bored again so i guaged my cartlige, weee it was fun i didn't really have to guage it slid right through. so that's so awsome isn't it -sarcasim- been a pretty sweet summer -sarcasim-..anyways ttyl love you all, kk
-i love all the things you do-