First of all, it's great that you have made a decision about doing what is best for you. Working a dead-end job that you hate and staying there for no positive reason at all has never done anyone a bit of good. Secondly, there will likely be students your own age and older in school because there are always students of every age going. Some people put off going to school because they needed to save up the money or because they needed to take care of family responsibilities first, or simply because they weren't ready for that commitment when they were younger. Oh, and if your roommate is an 18-year-old supermodel genius, you can always study with her and let the smarts rub off. Also, there will always be more guys around than she can handle and some of them will realize how cute and wonderful you are and go out with you instead. Nice, huh. I'm betting you will have a great time and meet cool people and learn about interesting things which will lead you to the ideas you need to figure out what you want to do with your future. And that's what education is really all about. Bravo for making this decision.
thank you :) i know that there will be people my age and older enrolled, but there won't be many my age living on campus. that's what i'm worried about... and lol dating makes me way too nervous to even bother with the leftovers xD
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