Cool English Thingy

Jul 12, 2004 00:18

So a few years ago there was this board, Angelus Errare and I like loved it, and then it became overrun with newbies and I stopped posting daily, but still went. Then it finally closed. Anyway, I finally got in touch with one of my old AE friends and he sent me this cool thing:

Dear John,
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy--will you let me be yours?


Dear John,
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?

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