It's been a while...

Jul 11, 2007 15:52

Yesterday I got moles removed.
Well not removed...punch biopsy-ed?
Two moles on my breast started to look a little suspicious, so I went and got them checked out.
Well he took about a straw sized circle out of the middle of two moles and put two stitches in each.
It's a little throbby and a little itchy and I have two weeks until I can get these damned stitches removed.

This summer has f-ing flew by.
I mean it's already the middle of JULY.
There is exactly a month until I can start moving into my apartment down in Normal.
I kind of can not wait to get back to school, but then i remember that Brian won't be there and it's kind of depressing. Who will I call when i need to get away? hmmmm...
Atleast I'll have elena and I like her.

I'm tired.
I need to shower.
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