I need to sleep...for about 4 weeks...

Jan 23, 2006 23:23

For some reason i am oddly tired tonight.
I don't know what it is, i think it's school and work and trying to find as much time as possible to spend with my significant other...which still isn't enough time.
I don't know...i think these night classes were a horrible idea on my part.
I just hate having to sit in class for 3 fucking hours every monday and wednesday.
In fact, i hate my entire schedule, i was kind of excited for it...but of course nothing ever works out that way.

Tonight for Education Psych, instead of having class...
we had to go listen to a speaker talk about mental illness.
Schizophrenia to be more exact.
It was interesting for the first hour......
then after the next hour...i couldn't take it.
I mean usually i LOVE learning about mental illnesses...which sounds creepy in a way.
I don't know, they just interest me...but for 2 hours...it was just enough to actually drive me insane.

Me and Brian went and seen Tristan and Isolde sunday.
Once again i aboslutely loved it...he hated it.
But i guess i should have expected that.
Not because he has no heart, but because he didn't even want to see it in the first.
I basically dragged him to Morris in the first place...oh well...i loved it.

I should be reading for government or global studies.
BUT i fucking hate that stupid bitch.
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