Round #23; Gatchaman Crowds - Rui Ninomiya

Feb 21, 2014 11:11

Fandom: Gatchaman Crowds
Subject: Rui Ninomiya
Title: Play the Game
Notes: Rui Ninomiya was sought out when she was young, manipulated into a metaphorical deal with the devil. Using the power she was given as sparingly as possible, she set out to improve the world, alone except for the artificial intelligence she had created, X, and an alien she could not trust, Berg Katze. When Katze attacked her, stole her form, and stole what she had created in order to use it to end the world, she turned to her heroes she had formerly dismissed -- and became a hero herself. She never gave up, no matter what happened, and she helped save the world. This fanmix was made for waywardmixes.
Extra Note: The show does not come out and say that Rui is a trans girl. However, she can be reasonably interpreted as such, and this is how I see her; I will be using she/her pronouns for her.
Warnings: Contains major spoilers for the entirety of Gatchaman Crowds, including the Director's Cut of Episode 12. There are also some mentions of death/murder, psychological mistreatment and manipulation of a child, violence, isolation, literal identity theft, and trauma.

Gatchaman Crowds is an anime about a group of what could be called superheroes -- in the super sentai tradition of things -- a small mix of humans and aliens chosen by J.J., an almost godlike being who has been appointed the guardian of Earth. He draws out their spiritual powers and makes them manifest in the form of a NOTE, a notebook-like object that gives them the ability not only to communicate between NOTES but also to conjure up reinforced suits which grant them special powers and weapons. They protect the planet and its inhabitants from any dangerous alien force, and they soon find that a very sadistic, hostile alien called Berg Katze, that has destroyed several planets before by manipulating the denizens of each to turn on each other and destroy everything themselves, has started to wreak havoc on Earth...

Rui Ninomiya is, unfortunately, not a Gatchaman. Unfortunately, because she does have her own NOTE. It was given to her, we find out, by Berg Katze itself, at least five years prior; unlike the other NOTES, it does not give her a protective suit, but instead grants her a very special power: The ability to materialize her soul into an entity called CROWDS, which she can command and control, and to grant other people that same ability.

Rui does not trust Katze; she has a feeling there's something very wrong about it, but it will not leave her alone, asking why she isn't using the power it gave her more, popping in at random times, being very superficially friendly. She tries to avoid using the CROWDS as much as possible, but she has something very important that she is trying to do...

Namely, she wants to update the world.

Rui is a genius; she has created a fully functional A.I., called X, and a social networking site called GALAX that has over two hundred million registered users at the beginning of the series. She created GALAX for a specific purpose: To change the world, to not only help the users but to encourage them to help one another, to raise their consciousnesses by making them realize how important human connection is, and how much fun it is and how wonderful it feels to reach out and help another person simply because you are able to do so, without wanting repayment or fame. And she carefully selected one hundred users -- aptly called the Hundred -- to give the CROWDS ability to, leading them as a mysterious figure called LOAD GALAX, granting them the power to help save lives during true emergencies but refusing to give usage permission unless there is no other choice and lives will otherwise be lost. Early in the series, she leads the Hundred in saving a group of people from a pair of gondolas stranded on a ropeway in high winds, after being told by X that all possible outcomes depending on regular human rescue attempts are negative.

Katze is more and more delighted whenever it sees that Rui and the Hundred have used the CROWDS ability. And it soon reveals its true power and cruelty, which is worse than Rui had feared: It is capable of shapeshifting, of moving unseen among humans and taking the form of an innocent person, attacking others and causing severe injuries. It does this many times over, and it finally does so in front of Rui, after playing innocent for so long; it takes a woman's form and, in front of Rui, steals someone's car, hitting several people with it and killing them. It delights in the chaos, saying that there will soon be a festival, and Rui blames herself for not realizing before and allowing Katze to go unchecked for so long.

Rui promptly decides to disallow usage of the CROWDS completely. After a conversation in which a user argues with and insults her for being too naive and a terrible leader, accusing her of wanting all the credit for herself and urging her to allow them to go public with their abilities and update the world by attacking and killing corrupt politicians and businessmen -- which Rui, wanting to help and not hurt and actively opposed to a violent revolution, will not allow -- she removes him and his friends from the program, and is only more determined to retire the CROWDS for good. When a tunnel collapses, however, and more people's lives are at risk, X convinces her that the CROWDS are her power now, not Katze's, and Rui once again steps in to save lives--

And meets the Gatchaman.

Shocked to find that the Gatchaman actually exist, and aren't just rumor, Rui decides to seek out the one she had met, Hajime Ichinose, and a few of her fellow Gatchaman/friends, setting up a fun little game for her that leads her right to "LOAD." She asks Hajime and her friends to stop being Gatchaman, because she wishes to update the world to a point where heroes are unnecessary -- she believes, in fact, that they're actively detrimental, as people become too reliant on them, and that ideally every single person needs to become a hero. She points out that GALAX can help the people who fall through that cracks, that the Gatchaman can't help; that they can't be everywhere at once. Hajime cheerfully and bluntly refuses, however, and asks about the CROWDS; when Rui denies knowing what she's talking about, Hajime says, in veiled words, that Rui should stop hiding behind acts and lies and be true to herself.

Thoughtful and intrigued, Rui leaves that meeting and contacts the remaining Hundred and seeks out Berg Katze, determined to put a stop to it once and for all with the CROWDS. Katze reveals than that it has a NOTE of its own, transforms into a Gatchaman powered form and promptly turns invisible. In a greater show of violence than it had ever performed, it tears through the CROWDS effortlessly, then attacks Rui herself, slapping her, flinging her against a lamppost, then lifting her into the air and proceeding to beat her for several minutes. Luckily, one of the Gatchaman had followed her, trying to figure her out, and a second shows up and steps in, fighting Katze while the first takes Rui to safety. Rui confesses her connection to Katze, and admits to her own hypocrisy, saying that the world did not need heroes and then immediately needing to be rescued by them.

Things only get worse for Rui after that; she is recovering when Katze approaches her again, in the street, dismissing her CROWDS easily when she tries to defend herself and saying that it's its turn to "play hero" and "update the world." It takes Rui's form, this time, tricks X into thinking that it is Rui and disappears, locking Rui out of her own system and leaving her alone, unable to reach her only friend. Despairing and not knowing what to do next, Rui goes to a hotel room, only to catch Hajime on the news; the Gatchaman have finally revealed their existence to the public officially, and Hajime warns everyone about Berg Katze and cautions them to be careful, then asks for "LOAD" to come to their location, because they'll be needing her help. Rui goes to meet them, finding out on the way that the overall situation is worse than she thought -- that when Katze destroyed the CROWDS belonging to the Hundred, they were sent into comas, and are unable to wake up.

After being healed by one of the Gatchaman, trying to ignore the hate circulating about her online when her personal information is released, Rui realizes that Katze intends to use GALAX to wreack havoc; it has given the user who wished to go public and commit acts of violence, Umeda, his power back, and put him in charge of the "Neo Hundred," and he promptly calls for an attack on the Prime Minister and the Japanese government, leading the CROWDS to attack many government buildings including police stations. Rui goes with the Gatchaman for their second public appearance, a live informational program that Hajime dubs the "Gatchannel." Rui introduces herself and admits to being LOAD GALAX, and confesses her connection to Berg Katze, the CROWDS, and the hospitalized people, apologizing for her unwitting involvement. While Katze causes as much trouble as it can using her form -- and Umeda loses control of the Neo Hundred entirely -- Rui teams up fully with the Gatchaman, finding the Prime Minister and urging him to evacuate and send out the Self-Defense Force to protect the citizens, advising everyone not to trust GALAX for the time being, and helping everyone figure out how to deactivate rather than destroy the CROWDS, in order to avoid hurting their handlers.

As the Gatchaman go to battle, Rui figures out how to get X back, attracting their attention through various security cameras that it is monitoring, finally reuniting with their friend and stealing the GALAX system back from Katze; unfortunately, Katze steps up its plans, taking the Prime Minister's form over a news broadcast and giving the CROWDS ability to even more people, inciting them to join the fight and act out. Panicked and overwhelmed by the fact that the Gatchaman can no longer handle the situation on their own, Rui figures out what needs to be done, and when one of the Gatchaman is able to give her NOTE back to her after a battle with Katze, she sets up a live broadcast of the Gatchannel herself -- and implores for her GALAX users to download the CROWDS themselves, to join the Gatchaman in Tachikawa, putting her trust in the users that she had believed for so long would help other people if they had the opportunity. She sets up games for them on GALAX, giving them goals to be met and fun things to do -- battling the rogue CROWDS (carefully, so as to not hurt their handlers), delivering food to shelters, helping locate missing people and those separated from their families in the chaos, helping to evacuate the citizens. And, in the end, the trust she places in everyone pays off. The rioting is quelled and the rogue, violent CROWDS are subdued, with everyone working together and having fun helping out. The Gatchaman are able to synthesize NOTES from the defeated CROWDS as well, and Rui is personally able to use them to wake up the Hundred who had fallen into comas after being attacked by Berg Katze.

In the end, Rui is accepted as the "newbie" of the Gatchaman, made a true part of the team, and is there to bear witness when Hajime faces down and defeats Berg Katze for good. A year later and GALAX is still going strong, supported and encouraged by the Prime Minister himself, and the world is improving. Rui has enrolled in Hajime's school, and is enjoying making friends, connecting to others and having a normal life for once, no longer sequestering herself away and focusing only on running GALAX and worrying about the CROWDS. She is no longer hiding behind LOAD, and in allowing herself to be herself, she's truly blossomed. The world was updated, and so was she.

Nine Days - Absolutely (Story Of A Girl)

How many days in the year?
She woke up with hope but she only found tears
And I can be so insincere
Making her promises, never for real
As long as she stands there waiting
Wearing the holes in the soles of her shoes
How many days disappear?
You look in the mirror, so how do you choose?

Your clothes never wear as well the next day
And your hair never falls in quite the same way
But you never seem to run out of things to say

This is the story of a girl
Who cried a river and drowned the whole world
And while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her
When she smiles

Garbage - Androgyny

When everything is going wrong
And you can't see the point of going on
Nothing in life is set in stone
There's nothing that can't be turned around

Nobody wants to be alone
Everybody wants to love someone
Out of the tree, go pick a plum
Why can't we all just get along?

Boys in the girls' room
Girls in the men's room
You free your mind in your androgyny

Gatchaman Crowds - The bird can't fly


The Hoosiers - Run Rabbit Run

I saw a fox by the rabbit hole
You saw a prince from a fairy tale
He promised that he'd watch over you
Turned out to be the fox we all knew

If I've got to be true, what chance did you stand?
Take flight, turn tail, get out while you can

Run, rabbit, run
As fast as you can, don't look back
Run, rabbit, run
As fast as you can, don't look back

He'll dance to your beat and steal your heart
And smile with those teeth and tear you apart

The Weepies - Not Your Year

Scattered shadows on the wall, you watch the long light fall
Some impressions stay and some will fade
Tattered shoes outside your door, and clothes all on the floor
Your life feels like the morning after all year long

Every day it starts again
You cannot say if you're happy
You keep trying to be
Try harder, maybe, maybe
This is not your year...

Breathe through it
Write a list of desires
Make a toast
Make a wish, slash some tires
Paint a heart repeating, beating
"Don't give up, don't give up..."

311 - Peaceful Revolution

It's good to be alive in the peaceful revolution
An honor to observe the beautiful solution
I tip my hat to we the people in order to form a more perfect world
This shall come to pass

The beginning of the end
Of the ignorance that once could sin
The tyrant to power
His day is done
In the worldwide revolution
Yeah, the peaceful revolution...

I see the last frontier in the peaceful revolution
World peace is merely the product of social evolution

Gatchaman Crowds - Crowds


Keane - The Frog Prince

All promises broken
Feed your people or lose your throne
And forfeit your whole kingdom
I'd sooner lose it than still live in it alone

You were our golden child
But the gentle and the mild
Inherit the earth, while

Your prince's crown
Cracks and falls down
Your castle hollow and cold
You've wandered so far
From the person you are
Let go, brother, let go

Ben Folds Five - Do It Anyway

You might put your love and trust on the line
It's risky, people love to tear that down - let 'em try
Do it anyway
Risk it anyway

And if you're paralyzed by a voice in your head
It's the standing still that should be scaring you instead
Go on and
Do it anyway
Do it anyway

There will be times you might leap before you look
There'll be times you'll like the cover and that's precisely why you'll love the book
Do it anyway
Do it anyway

Tell me what I said I'd never do
Tell me what I said I'd never say
Read me off a list of the things that I used to not like but now I think are okay

ThouShaltNot - G.L.M.

Girls like me don't understand how we wind up Siamese twins
Connected at the neck, when you breathe out, our bodies breathe in
Girls like me don't talk about who's really in control
For when your mouth is open, we can see right down that hole...

Girls like me have given up on lending out our eyes
For if and when you bring them back, they've shrunk another size
Your tiny tweezer hands are so precise but cold as steel
Girls like me are sick of being flesh they touch but never feel

For all you know of skin and bones, the muscles, brain, and heart
Can you not learn the distance when we stand so close apart?
For all you know of nervous systems, organs, and insides
Has science taught you nothing of what's underneath the hide?

Swedish House Mafia - Save The World

We're far from home, it's for the better
What we dream, it's all that matters
We’re on our way, united

Turn the crowd up now
We'll never back down
Shoot down the skyline
Watch it on primetime
Turn up the love now
Listen up now, turn up the love

Who’s gonna save the world tonight?
Who’s gonna bring it back to life?
We’re gonna make it, you and I
We’re gonna save the world tonight

Olly Murs - Army of Two (Kat Krazy Remix)

I took a vow
To never let you down
When it's us, there ain't no competition
I can be the star on which you're wishing
I never doubted for a moment, it's true
I love all of you
If you love me too, yeah

So don't ever change, and I'll stay the same
We'll be swimming in the same direction
And we'll never lose this connection
Nothing they can do can stop this army of two
'Cause we're marching to the future
Yeah, just me and you

So just follow my lead, repeat after me
Our faith is the bullet, hope is the gun
And love is all we need
Now fear's on the run, we've already won
Now march with the band, raise your right hand
We've only just begun

Scissor Sisters - Fire With Fire

Now the city blacks out the sun
That you know is rising
You can show me the work that you've done
Your fears have been disguising

Is it just me or is everyone
Hiding out between the lines?
What will we be when we come undone?
Just a simple meeting of the minds?

And we'll fight fire with fire, fire with fire
Fire with fire
Through desire, desire -sire, desire
Through your desire...

It's cold and heaven surrounds you
From every direction
'Cause there's someone behind every hand
That you've made a connection

Poe - Control

While you were looking the other way
While you had your eyes closed
While you were licking your lips 'cause I was miserable
While you were selling your soul
While you were tearing a hole in me

I was taking control

Now I have taken control
Now I have taken control
Now I have taken control

So this is how it feels
To breathe in the summer air
To feel the sand between my toes and love inside my ear
All those things that you taught me to fear
I've got them in my garden now, and you're not welcome here...

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, it's true
But keep in mind, my darling
Not every saint is a fool

Capital Cities - Safe and Sound

I could lift you up
I could show you what you wanna see
And take you where you wanna be

You could be my luck
Even if the sky is falling down
I know that we'll be safe and sound

We're safe and sound

I could fill your cup
You know my river won't evaporate
This world we still appreciate

You could be my luck
Even in a hurricane of frowns
I know that we'll be safe and sound

(Safe and sound)
We're safe and sound
(Safe and sound)
We're safe and sound
(Hold your ground)
We're safe and sound
(Safe and sound)

Alicia Keys - Brand New Me

It took a long, long time to get here
It took a brave, brave girl to try
It took one too many excuses, one too many lies
Don't be surprised, don't be surprised

If I talk a little louder
If I speak up when you're wrong
If I walk a little taller
I've been under you too long
If you notice that I'm different
Don't take it personally
Don't be mad
It's just a brand new kinda me...

I don't need your opinion
I'm not waiting for your okay
I'll never be perfect
But at least now I'm brave
Now my heart is open
I can finally breathe
Don't be mad
It's just a brand new kinda free
That ain't bad
I found a brand new kinda me
Don't be mad
It's a brand new time for me



rui ninomiya, fanmix, gatchaman crowds, fst

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