Hey, look, it's a meme I actually finished!

Aug 19, 2010 02:43

Reply and I'll give you four fandoms. You then have to make an entry writing about your favorite character from each fandom, and why.

eats_typos gave me Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Durarara!!, Persona 3, and Transformers!

OH WOW this one is actually hard to answer. Really hard! I like so many of the characters so much... It started off being Belphegor, and it was him for a long, long time, but... To be honest, I think my favorite character may be Squalo. He's just a mix of SO MANY THINGS, he's hilarious and RIDICULOUS and over-the-top and loyal and terrifying and kind of brilliant and kind of AN IDIOT. He will go from giving you a GIANT TUNA AS A GIFT to beating the SHIT out of you to training you to be the best fucking swordsman on the entire planet, and then he will RIDE INTO BATTLE ON A FLYING SHARK just because FUCK YOU HE CAN. He's ridiculous and he's still so very mafia underneath all that, he'll never betray the people he's decided to be loyal to and he will beat it into his student's thick head what life is really like and what choice he has to make until he finally fucking gets it.

Which he never will, but hey. All else fails, Squalo can beat the shit out of him some more, it's probably theraputic. XD

Edit: ALSO RYOHEI AND KAWAHIRA okay I don't know why I forgot them. I don't even know why I love Kawahira so much except he was SO RIDICULOUS!! in the little bit of face-time he had. "HEY KIDS TRUST ME /KICKS AROUND 8)"


Walker. Y-Yeah, no hesitation here. Walker Yumasaki is my favorite character ever, and that was decided by the moment I saw him (FOXFACE FOXFACE man I don't know why but that never fails). My love for him only got stronger seeing his personality (all facets of it) and how he interacted with the other characters, especially Erika and Kadota.

Other favorite characters: THE VAN GANGGGG, Shinra, Kida, Celty, Kasuka.


THIS IS VERY HARD. I actually really, really love everyone in this game; I find it hard not to. Persona games are just set up this way guys. 8(

But in the end, my favorite is probably the main character himself. Maybe it's just the connection you're supposed to grow to feel with him (he IS you, in a way, but is also a character himself), but what he does over the course of the game (even if it's all influenced by your choices) and, especially, the choices he makes near (and at) the end... I just can't choose another character over him. Whatever you name him, eh is a pretty cool guy.

Other favorite characters: ... oh, who am I kidding? ilu everybody ♥♥


DEPENDS ON -- well, no it doesn't. |D I was gonna say "depends on continuity," but it really doesn't. Blurr is my favorite, Blurr is always my favorite. WHICH IS FUNNY because, in Transformers Animated, he has like ten minutes of screentime! I am almost not exaggerating! Besides one episode where he spends the whole time as a racecar, totally silent, and you don't know it's him yet, and one really really short appearance as SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER, he has nine minutes and change of screen-time. He still manages to say and DO an amazing amount of stuff in that time period.

His personality is actually highly different in both series, but really, he hits my OH MY GOD LAHV buttons in both -- just in different ways. In Animated he's highly strung but very stiff, seems very professional, does seem to know exactly what he's saying but kind of swerves off on verbal tangents sometimes, is impatient with "unnecessary" things, and doesn't seem to get normal social interaction very well. In G1, however, he is an impatient brat, and his running off at the mouth is much more repetative. He's far from professional in that series, instead throwing around... not slang but more laid-back speech (like calling people "suckers") and complains a lot, but for me that's hilarious because his complaining just basically runs one specific thing into the ground for one huge long run-on sentence and beats it.

Relevant Animated Quotes:
Bumblebee: "All right, Zippy, start talking!"
Blurr: "First of all, the name's not 'Zippy'! As a matter of fact, I don't believe I've ever met another bot named Zippy, so one can only assume that you came up with 'Zippy' in reference to my speed, which may be technically accurate, but lacks a certain creativity. More to the point, the name's Blurr! I'm an Autobot intelligence agent, sent to this planet by the Elite Guard to keep an eye on Optimus Prime and his crew as well as monitor the Deception activity, and you, my friend, have just blown a decacycle of covert surveillance designed to uncover Megatron's plot to conquer Cybertron. Everything was going according to plan when I intercepted a communication between the Decepticon leader and an unknown double agent! They were in the midst of plotting the abduction of an unsuspecting Autobot, which now, from the status of the current ground situation, appears to have been successful! Got that so far?"

Relevant G1 Quotes:
Blurr: "We got Decepticons at the gates, Decepticons in the air, Decepticons outside the walls, Decepticons Decepticons Decepticons! If we beat them at the walls they're still in the air, if we shoot them out of the air they're still at the gate, so where does that leave us? nowhere that's where!"
Blurr (in some other episode): "If not for this one lousy rotten measly crummy sub-standard strut we'd be outta here you know that I know that cos I'd get us outta here, wham zip into car mode vwoosh gone we'd never have to think about--" /OW PAIN NOISES

In point of fact, Animated Blurr is probably my favorite character, being my favorite of the two Blurrs. I like his personality better; I like his storyline more, tiny as it is. I think he's more interesting. But I have a huge, glaring soft spot for G1 Blurr for being a hyperactive, admittedly annoying spaz who seems like he probably needs to be babysat 24/7. Also, for some reason G1 Blurr has a goddamn Boston accent, and that's just cool.

Other favorite characters: Bumblebee and Prowl and Blitzwing and Shockwave and Swindle and THE CLOOOONES in Animated; Mirage and Perceptor and Sandstorm and Skyfire and Soundwave and Reflector in G1; Starscream in FUCKIN' BOTH FUCK YEAH. Also, outta nowhere from IDW, Nightbeat. :| I don't have to explain, don't you judge me.

Man, I love how I tl;dr'd the most with that last one, there. How fitting. 8|;;

IF ANYBODY ELSE WANTS ME TO ANSWER MY FAVORITE CHARACTER FOR ANY OTHER FANDOMS, FEEL FREE TO ASK~~~ \O_o/ And just let me know if you want me to hit you with the meme, too!

reborn, fffffffffpersona, transformers g1, drrr drrr drrr, transformers animated, meme, transformers

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