Note to male customers: Please stop hitting on me. Some of you are creepy as shit and some of you are just nice, but it's starting to weird me out. Whyyyyy u do dis.
Note to female customers: You are free to hit on me more, though. Just. FYI. Or at all. It is SO HARD to figure out who even might not be totally straight in a religious town, ugh.
General note to everyone: STOP TELLING ME I DO NOT LOOK OLD ENOUGH TO WORK AT THE GAS STATION. And lady, I totally heard that "you look like you're thirteen" comment, that was completely unnecessary ya know. >E
General note in general: ...
What do you guys think? I've never bought/done anything like this before. :I Does that look like a good deal? What do y'all think of the style? Would anyone recommend any of the others in that shop, or do you not really... have opinions on this issue? Pffft.