FOR stfu_pedochan

Mar 04, 2010 09:52


Game: Drama Drama Duck (dramadramaduck)
Pros: Characters meeting on the Internet is a great setting for the OTAKUTACHI I am pretty sure. Also, definite fourth-wall-breaking allowances! And Buss already plays there, so things would already be a little comfortable there. C: PLUS, WORLD-HOPPING. And neither Erika or Walker are already played there!
Cons: Huge game. Is it really fast? Also, no castmates, though that's not at all a deal-breaker.

Game: Camp Fuck You Die (campfuckudie)
Pros: FOURTH WALL BREAKING ALLOWED (with permission). Also, we know people there! And it's a setting that seems like it would be fun to play this group in. And it has an Izaya, and neither Erika or Walker are there!
Cons: HUGE AND ACTIVE. I am not sure if I can keep up with this game, personally. 8( Plus the app system is fairly hard.

Game: Microcosm (microcosm_rp)
Pros: Foruth wall breaking allowed with permission! numisma is there, too. And she plays Erika, so there's already a bit of a cast!
Cons: It's a sex game... though I don't know if that's a con. :|a Not the type of game I'm used to personally, though? And Buss I know you were wanting to play Erika more but you also said that Dotachin was good too, so this one's up to you!

Game: Planeocracy (planeocracy)
Pros: FOURTH-WALL BREAKAGE WITH PERMISSION AND WORLD-HOPPING. Plus the mod spazzed seeing me saying we wanted to play the Otaku Gang. XD Neither Erika or Walker are taken, either~
Cons: Even with the above, I'm not sure the setting is the most ideal for the otaku? They would basically be working for a beaurocracy; that might be funny though. :|a Also no castmates.

Game: Vatheon (vatheon)
Pros: Fourth-wall-breaking with permission! ALSO OH. MY. GOD. CASTMATES. This RP has an Izaya, Shizuo, Mikado, Celty, and Kida, and they're working on a Dotachin right now and trying to get him in. SO THAT'D BE THREE OF THE FOUR RIGHT OFF. Also apparently Izaya-mun and Shizuo-mun were extremely excited to hear we were looking for a place to app Walker and Erika. (:
Cons: IT IS BIG and might be fast. Also it seems like a more serious setting than any of the above?

Game: M.S. Elegante (ms_elegante)
Pros: Can vouch that this is a fun game. Also, I know people there and am planning to app back in as Blurr anyway. Has some great players and casts and some definitely fun elements!
Cons: No fourth wall breaking allowed. ;A; Also no castmates. Semi-more-importantly, it's got a serious element to it as well (characters' home worlds were destroyed and they're stuck, it's got some horror elements).

Game: Amat (amatomnes)
Pros: APPARENTLY THERE IS A DOTACHIN APPING IN. And there's already a Shizuo there. SO A SMALL CAST.
Cons: Uber-famous/infamous sex game that is locked and seems to be wanked about quite a bit. Plus it's big and may well be fast. And I'm not sure about the fourth wall. 8( I am mostly just listing it here for completeness' sake, not gonna lie.

Game: Roleplay Roleplay (roleplayrp)
Pros: The premise is that the RP takes place in the OOC community of a Livejournal RP the characters are playing in. This is, needless to say, awesome.
Cons: NO LONGER OPEN. Also was invite-only when it was; this RP is listed only for completeness.

Game: CON-CHAN! (conchandesudesu)
Pros: The entire game takes place in an anime convention this is completely perfect. *A*
Cons: ... unfortunately, this game is also no longer open. The mods did, however, intend on turning it into a DR; this seems to have stalled out at the moment, though, until further notice. Still, it may be a dressing room option later.

Game: The Love Hotel (the_love_hotel)
Pros: A dressing room option! Definitely a way to test out character voices! Also, a Shizuo was last month at least. 8|b
Cons: Sex-based DR that gets wanked on a lot. \O_o/ Pretty much only included because it's an active multifandom dressing room.

Game: Infinity Dressing Room (8_dressing)
Pros: Another, much more free-for-all dressing room option! Definitely a way to test out character voices! This place also had a Kida show up recently -- a Mikado and an Anri responded to him, too. 8D Plus, hey I know one of the mods/have dropped characters in here a bit before!
Cons: DR that is sometimes hard to get CR in. Also, of course, not an actual game; just adding for completeness!

Game: DRRR!! Dressing (drrressing)
Cons: None really. It's not an actual game, though; I'm just adding it for completeness. 83 It's our major dressing room option!

Also, general question for people on my flist: where do you play? Tell me about your games! /o/ ♥

ETA: Hey, guys, do you like the look of foxfacefanboy or kitsunenome better? I'm still trying to think of a good username for Walker. :c For anyone curious about the latter:

[Eyes Always Shut] describes a character who appears to have their eyes shut constantly, except, perhaps, for a few instances of surprise or shock. Nevertheless, they still give every indication of being able to see - which implies that this characteristic is actually more of a pronounced squint.

This is an old device to imply wisdom; more recently, it's been subverted as a device to show "wise guys." This device, when used to show a "wise guy," is called "Kitsune No Me" in Japanese ("fox's eyes" or "shifty eyes" in English).

Thus spake TV Tropes. :I

drrr drrr drrr, roleplay

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