Feb 05, 2010 21:52

Wow, guys, hi.

You know how you can totally not hate your job, but hate with how it screws with your life? Yeah, I'm feeling that. Please put me on some kind of fixed schedule, forcing my sleep patterns into wonkiness makes me tired all the time, sobbbb.

That said, my RP drive is dead. I'm seriously contemplating just... dropping out of all public RP (except maybe, maybe DRs) FOREVARRRRR or at least for the foreseeable future. But that might be because when I'm tired, my drive to do anything ever totally dies, and, well. Tired forever, see above, etc. I'm going to try hanging in there, but... Baw.

Here, guys, so this entire entry isn't buh, let's have that meme that's been creeping SO VERY SLOWLY around the flist!


1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
6. Tag five people. NO I REFUSE ALL OF YOU DO IT

It was a bugger, but there you were. It was a dog thing.
He whined when the ring of dark shapes closed in.
Eyes gleamed.


He was a mudluff, after all, a multidimensional life form, which meant that he probably couldn't comfortably compress down to the four dimensions of the terrestrial planes. It would be like trying to stuff a giant octopus into a shoe box. At least I hoped so.
"Very well," Jai said reluctantly.

I did two because they were about equally close. 8|b First is The Fifth Elephant by Terry Pratchett, which is Discworld and therefore amazing, and second is InterWorld by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reaves, which is actually a YA book I guess but is SEVERELY UNDERRATED I swear. Most of the major characters are the same person and this is not nearly as confusing as it sounds. |D

Now I'm gonna go back to wondering why I actually responded to RP!S today and waiting for THE WANK TRAIN to hit me, since I dared point out that enjoying loli/shouta isn't any more pedophilia than sexual ageplay is -- read: not at all -- and that trying to equate fictional porn between adults with actual child molestation, that actually causes a huge amount of harm, is highly insulting and approaches the disgusting. But everyone and their mother likes to be an armchair psychologist even on issues where actual psychologists have already officially disagreed with them, so. I AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS, GUYS. Help me learn to stay away from cesspools, or at least arguments that will turn into them.

P.S. guys go watch the official music video for this song, it's so much fun. :3

work, discworld, hey guys i'm going to get wanked, roleplay, meme, interworld

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