... Wasn't this supposed to by my writing journal, once upon a time? XD
Title(s): Respect [and] Faultline
Inspiration: Apping for
appledcore >_> orz
Fandom: Keroro Gunso
Characters: Kururu, Keroro, Giroro, Mutsumi (mentioned), other characters (mentioned)
Pairings: None! Not really. I support the two (three?), uh, pairings, but these're gen. :>
Rating/Warning(s): PG because of death? IDK.
Notes: Drabblish things written for an app at a roleplay. I'm applying as Kururu, and had to take two ideas and write at least 100 words on each in third-person story format. I LIKED THE WAY THEY TURNED OUT, so here they are. I think this is the dorkiest thing I have ever done. :B ALSO, ANIME CANONZ TIEM, sorry. XD
Summary: In the first, Kururu is a dick, in the second, there are depressing things. Summed up another way, drabble one involves Kururu trying to kick Keroro off a cliff (sorta) and drabble two is Kururu being Not Happy about Mutsumi dying.
HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION 1: Your character and another character are dangling off a cliff, with Character B clinging onto your character for dear life. Character B may or may not be a close friend, but either way, the added weight is causing your character to lose grip.
"Why don't you just let go."
Keroro's immediate reply from somewhere below his feet was just as expected. Affont, dismay, and an undercurrent of panic so strong it was very nearly an overcurrent. "GERO?! How can you say something like that, de arimasu!"
Kururu remained unmoved. "Because," he deadpanned. "I'm not the athletic type. If you keep weighing me down, I'm going to lose my grip, but if you drop at least you'll be the only one dying needlessly, da ze~"
"I simply can't believe you'd suggest such a thing!" Keroro fumed. "I am your leader! Besides, who got us into this mess in the first place, de arimasu?!"
"You did."
"Captain, sir," Kururu added for benefit, an unpleasant little grin crossing his face even under the current circumstances. "Kuuu ku ku~"
"... Well. Be that as it may."
Kururu kicked at Keroro's hand, not hard enough to actually dislodge him. "Hurry it up, da ze~"
"Kururuuuuu!" he whined, audibly distressed. Kururu couldn't hide a wince. "Don't do this to me! I know you can think of something better than- than that!"
Damn him...
Kururu sighed, and told himself that Keroro was appealing far more to his pride and his genius than he was to whatever small traces of black heart he had (which was none), and kept thinking. There had to be some way, of course, and he could certainly...
"Just think... all of the Gundam models I'll never get to build..."
Kururu promptly kicked him again. "Nope. Never mind. Let go."
HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION 2: Your character unintentionally kills someone important to them.
The news came from Giroro Gochou, strangely enough, and Kururu listened silently while the red dharma spoke. Giroro watched his face, carefully. He seemed to be looking for something... Kururu wasn't sure what, but he was hard to read even by other Keronians, with a good poker face and those glasses that concealed his eyes, and Giroro would not find whatever he was looking for here.
After his senpai had left, he went on with this as usual. Just another day, and not even different from any other day since the Platoon had been... recalled.
The army had arrived at last, giving long-needed backup- "backup" being a poor word for it when they had been pulled out of the Invasion so far that they might as well have been back on Keron, but things were finally proceeding as planned.
None of them had seen their human... friends, since then. All except for Dororo, who had disappeared into hiding with his ninja partner- he was safe enough, as long as the army kept mostly forgetting his existance. Tamama had tearfully bid Momoka goodbye, but the Nishizawa group had friends everywhere, and mostly those friends were the Nishizawa group; everyone had been certain of her safety, especially with Paul around. Keroro had obviously been torn between staying with the Hinatas and doing his duty, but given that disobeying would mean high treason even Natsumi had told him to "just go, stupid frog." Giroro had taken that as his own dismissal as well, exchanging a few short, professional, but heartfelt words with the Pekoponian girl, that had shored him up and left her dumbfounded.
It all would have been very touching, if he'd cared for that sort of thing. Which he didn't, of course. He'd sent Saburo a text message- It's been fun.- and gone back with the army; that was where fun and duty lay, after all, and where else should he have been?
For a month they hadn't seen the Pekoponians at all. Kururu had never really hung around too much with Saburo anyway, even when they'd been "friends." It really wasn't any different, now.
But he'd left Saburo with the pen, and he'd seen how the boy could use that, quick with his mind and his hands and still somehow able to give an irritating wink to the enemy and laugh with the fun of it, so how the hell could he have screwed this one up? Overpowered or outclassed, obviously. Or maybe that naiveté had finally actually killed him. Or something had gone wrong with the pen again, and he hadn't been able to go to Kururu to fix it this time...
News was coming in every day. Death tolls, prisoner reports. The only time they'd see the people they'd come to know on this planet again would be as a name on a list. They'd chosen their side.
Kururu Souchou was the genius of the Keron army. He wasn't bragging when he said, simply, that he could invent ANYTHING, other than a time machine.
He'd just have to start thinking harder, then.