Jan 08, 2010 01:17


Seriously. All of you on my flist? And anyone who isn't who might see this anyway, seriously. Read this comic. This is, no joke, one of the best plot-webcomics I have ever seen. It's episodic rather than having a punchline every comic, and the characters are just... beautiful. And speaking of beautiful, the art style is gorgeous; they entire thing is just so visually wonderful I want to eat it with a spoon. Its TV Tropes page may have the best short description:

A "sugarcoated horror"/Urban Fantasy about a wannabe paranormal investigator, his somewhat dead friend/business partner and some other unlucky people Hanna drags along with them on his misadventures. Each chapter details a new case, which don't seem to end well very often. Hanna tries though, and that's what counts, right?

Hanna is adorable. The unnamed narrator (said "somewhat dead friend/business partner," simply called "..." on the cast page) is incredibly deadpan and serious, but strangely heartwarming. Conrad is the worst vampire in the universe and is also somehow adorable. Doc Worth is one of those jerkass doctors but without the heart of gold or the pure genius that excuses most other examples. All the other up-and-coming and more minor characters are interesting in their own right. And the bromance in this series is second to none, no joke.

I realize I don't rec stuff often! So this is kind of OUT OF THE BLUE, lmao. But! This is seriously amazing and I've fallen head over heels for it over the past week or so, and I wanted to spread the love. The creator seems to be a real sweetheart and very enthusiastic about her work, and I'd love for this to get a stronger fanbase -- maybe even an actual working fandom. So you know... spreading the word! ;)

If you want to start at the beginning, this right here is the first page. The banner at the top links to the main page of the comic. And I will probably be making an icon post sometime in the next few days, despite the fact that I never do that either, because this thing has devoured my soul. And I couldn't be happier. /o/ ♥

webcomic, hanna is not a boy's name, recommendation, shmoo

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