\o/ wao guys, wao

Sep 30, 2009 03:56

So yes, guys, my brain did totally die for like a week. That was fun.

But! My app actually got accepted into reverie_lane which is VERY EXCITING. It's pretty slow over there, but that's okay; Bumblebee's gotten to speak to a few people and is going to be meeting Coraline in person pretty soon. :> HE IS GOING TO ENJOY BEING THOUGHT OF AS COOL BECAUSE HE IS A ROBOT CAR. Fuck yeah, he's awesome, he knows.

AND ALSO I'VE STARTED PLAYING MAMMON AGAIN. In the KHR!DR. Unghhhh I forgot how much I loved playing her. ♥ Not much so far, but I'm getting back in the swing of her voice. I suddenly got the really strong urge to start playing the character again; in fact, I'm thinking of apping a different version (current anime arc canon, not TYL, and totally gender-unknown until/unless canon ever actually confirms one way or the other) over at thewake_rp. Because that place looks awesome and has superheroes and Transformers. :D

What it doesn't have, however, is a Reborn cast. At all. Sooooo, KHR fans and fellow RPers on my F-list... anyone feel like maybe joining me? ;) It's got a damn neat premise and some really cool people; I'm probably gonna wind up bring at least two characters in there eventually (Mammon and Blurr... 'cause he won't shut up, sob), and would love to have some company!

Also, because I can... meme tiiiiime. THAT ONE RP THING WITH THE BOXES! Swiped from knackster, amsellied, and part_b, in pretty much that order. :>


character: Mammon aka Viper
series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ l-lol where did this come from SINCE WHEN DO I HAVE HIR MUSE BACK? I mean I never actually lost it but I even want to app hir somewhere now. SINCE WHEN?
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ D-DEPENDS ON WHERE I PLAY so I'mma puttin' this middle of the road. In the DR, of course, it's like FULL CAST STRENGTH FOREVER but unless there's a Reborn cast in an actual RP, I've noticed it's kinda hard to get castmates all up in there. Some of us should invade a game, what do you say, guys? Y/Y/no you creeper, who's with me? /kinda joking, SEE ABOVE.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □ I can plot stuff to do with hir easily enough, but I have a hard time of thinking up posts. For, like, anybody, actually, but it's just. Ugh so hard to think of a post to make. Tags I can do more easily, and I can think up plot and ways to get hir involved, so it's not actually all that bad.
likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □ I will never stop playing this character somewhere, not for very long. And if I ever get hir into an actual RP, you would have to pry hir from my cold, dead hands, at least unless I was suddenly DEVOURED BY NERVES and crumple into a little ball of uncertainty and roll away. Or. Or something.


character: Belphegor (aka Prince the Ripper)
series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
muse strength: ■ □ □ □ □ Despite the fact that this guy was like MY DESTINY!!1!!1! for a while and I played him a ton of places and always wanted to do stuff with him... I'm just not feeling his voice any more. At all. I'm saddened by it, but I guess it happens; maybe I'll get it back sometime, but for a while, this seems to be the stopping point.
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ Same as above, pretty much. :> The DR is a huge yes, other RPs are really hit or miss.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □ Getting bored, killing people, and eating sushi. Of course he could easily get involved in MAYHEM plots and cause stuff himself, but I usually feel a little one-track when trying to play him, and have for a long time.
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ s-sorry Bel ilu but I'm puttin' you in the closet for a while unless I bring you back every now and then as Himeko. please don't hurt me. :(

character: Mukuro Rokudo
series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
muse strength: ■ ■ □ □ □ Not as low as Bel, but not... really wanting to pick him up anywhere. Messing around a bit in a DR or something would be a lot of fun, though.
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ THIRD VERSE, SAME AS THE FIRST TWO?
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ Oh fuck this guy. Dude. Whenever I have the urge to post for him? I can think of shit to do. Why is my posting ability best for this guy?
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □ I know I'll eventually just like... lose the urge and decide Hey, It's Been A Good Run and likely never post with him again. That won't be too soon, though, despite not having posted with him in a long time. And when the time comes, I doubt it will really bother me. Ton of fun character, but while I'm fine with letting him out to play, I'm good with never getting that attached.


character: Fon
series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ I should not want to play this guy so much already, wtf. :| I will probably eventually app him somewhere, I'm just... waiting.
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ Yup.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □ Oh my god he does nothing he's a smiley zen baby who can kick your ass and goes "woosh" at random moments for whatever reason what am I supposed to do with this. ... :| I'll think of something, probably.
likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □ If I ever do app him, despite not being too sure of what to do with him? Oh my god I will probably never drop him ever, I love this little guy so much like you wouldn't believe.

character: Mutsumi Saburo (and/or Hojo)
series: Keroro Gunso
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ So strong holy crap seriously. I just have this dorky retro godmod genius in my head and he won't go away. FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE and of course I think it's awesome forever, so. Of course, this means I have journals for an AU female!Mutsumi and an AU!Keronian Mutsumi sitting around and occasionally do threads like "HE SHOULD BE A HOOKER" or "let's kill this boy off messily!" so I'm not sure this is an entirely good thing.
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ HAHA NO ONE EVER PLAYS FROM THIS SERIES. Okay, that's a lie, I've seen tiny casts in actual games before, but. SO RARE. Only in one-on-ones, where I would have to rate this a FIVE OUT OF FIVE STARSSSSS, and in the DR on occasion (whoops I should actually mod that 8|), but otherwise. Just doesn't happen.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ Man I can usually think of stuff for this guy 'cos he's so. All over the place. It's his job in canon to just SHOW UP OUTTA NOWHERE and he is friendly enough to like everyone and is interested in a lot of the cool shit you find in RPs and. Is a godmod. I mean come on.
likelihood of drop: □ □ □ □ □ MUTSUMI IS LIKE MY FOREVER KID. I will forever be playing him in some way or another, I think. 'Cos he's just that goddamn superfly.


character: Kururu Souchou/Sergeant Major Kururu
series: Keroro Gunso
muse strength: ■ □ □ □ □ Okay so I kinda want to play him more. Maybe. In one-on-one things and maybe a little bit in the DR but. Nothing serious and I always feel so awkward trying to find his voice, so. :|
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ SEE MUTSUMI RE: NO CASTMATES (probably) EVER.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □ Despite Kururu being a total asshole troublemaker who likes fuckin' with people, and is a degree of godmod himself, I have surprisingly little idea of what to do with him when I try playing as him. :|
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □ Goddamn man I've tried this before. :C I'll probably never play him in an actual RP. But then again, I doubt he'll ever fully go away for me either, so.


character: Dororo Heichou/Lance Corporal Dororo (previously known as Zeroro)
series: Keroro Gunso
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ WHY IS THIS SO STRONG. His entire purpose in canon is to be overlooked and forgotten and occasionally do Ninja Things. What is this. :c
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ See above points. :|
plotting capabilities: ■ □ □ □ □ Also see: his entire purpose in canon is to be overlooked and forgotten. 8|||| WHAT THE HELL DO I DO WITH HIM, GUYS?
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ □ □ □ If I ever apped him, I'd be... slightly more likely to drop him than the ones I would only drop due to pure nerves, mostly out of aforementioned "LOL WHAT DO I DO GAIZ? D8" But I'd definitely try hanging onto him, if I ever actually decided to play him somewhere. Sweet muse is just downright sweet.

character: Alisa Southerncross
series: Keroro Gunso
muse strength: ■ □ □ □ □ Part of me just really, really wants to try playing her.
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ Nope. Probably not.
plotting capabilities: ■ □ □ □ □ She is a canon :| drywall who is only focused on a)eating aliens and b)Fuyuki. THIS WOULD BE HARD.
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ I'm not even too likely to pick her up. I'm only including her because I regularly have unrelenting urges to just try her, because she's made of awesome.

character: Bumblebee
series: Transformers Animated
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ 'Bee will you calm down in there geez. 8| This would actually be somewhere between a three and a four, if I could do that! But goddamn do I enjoy this boy AND I AM ACTUALLY PLAYING HIM. IN AN ACTUAL GAME. Which is better than you can say for like. Anyone else here, orz. And it is a ton of funnnn.
cast strength: ■ ■ □ □ □ NO ACTUAL CASTMATES YET. Though people have said they may be apping Prowl, eventually Sari, and maybe Bulkhead. All of these are so much Yes Please that they give the strength a couple of points just via the pure possibility. |D
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □ I CAN KINDA THINK OF STUFF maybe sometimes. I just can't think of posts. Tagging I'm good with, getting involved I'm good with, starting stuff... not so much. :c
likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □ ONLY IF I FREAK OUT AND GO "OH GOD WHAT AM I DOING?" which I don't really see myself doing, at least not any time soon.


character: Blurr
series: Transformers Animated
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ OH MY GOD SHUT UP BLURR SHUT UP.
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Where I'm thinking of apping him? Oh hell yeah. \o/
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □ ... see this is why I'm not apping him yet. Need to like. Canon-review his four or five episodes until I feel comfortable with him and know wtf I wanna do with him like. At all. :|
likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □ Once I actually pick him up? Yeah no. Barring panic, etc, yadda yadda, there is always the possibility of second-thoughts, I know that fully well. But I don't see it happening.

character: Dr. Len Kagamine
series: Vocaloid ("Kokoro"/"Kokoro Kiseki" PVs)
muse strength: ■ ■ □ □ □ Hi Len hi Len wtf are you doin' still kickin' around in there? D8
cast strength: ■ □ □ □ □ Are there people playing from Vocaloid out there? Yes! In some places, actually, yes! Anyone else playing from his PV (ie... Rin being the only person I'm sure he'd even recognize)? No... not really, no.
plotting capabilities: □ □ □ □ □ What are you doin' still kickin' around I have no idea what to do with you. Seriously, man. :(
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ I will never app him anywhere, I'm almost positive. I may occasionally do DR stuff with him, but. Sry mang you are just impossible, you are a song.

character: Homunculus
series: Shadow of Destiny
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ This is one of those characters that's like. At regular intervals I'm like OH FUCK YEAR THERE YOU ARE I should totally app you somewhere! :D And then I never do and it's gone again. The vague interest in playing him again is always there, though.
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ NOBODY EVER. I saw a couple of Eikes in Dear Multiverse years ago, and I think that's it for canonmates, ever.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ □ □ □ And yep, this is why I never do anything. For someone who's such a magnificent bastard, I can't really pull off the whole absolutely brilliant Xanatos Roulette thing. Plus, one of the main things about his character -- one of the things you know for sure -- is that he is nearly always in control of the way you're going down the tracks, which would be so hard to play with in an actual game. It'd be weird to try him without his time travel craziness, the Abyss, and well. Basically having him be a mostly-normal being who may as well be made of paper. 8|
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ Sob I have never once been able to play him properly for any length of time at all. The only thing that keeps me from playing him sometimes is reminding myself that I always just drop him, and I don't want to just keep doing that. OTL forever.

character: Arms Akimbo
series: Goners
muse strength: ■ ■ □ □ □ Why? I don't even know. I have this huge urge to play her despite not having read the books for the past forever. I don't think I ever even finished her series. I just keep really wanting to try my hand at her.
cast strength: □ □ □ □ □ To be perfectly honest? This is the least likely character on this list to ever get a single canonmate, ever, no matter what. Has anyone else even heard of these books? Much less read them? Anybody? ._.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □ Sad thing is? If I picked her up, I am pretty sure I could think of quite a lot to do with her.
likelihood of drop: ■ □ □ □ □ I think the only reason I haven't picked her up yet is because my Goners books are all, like, in storage. I am too lazy to even try digging them out. If I ever apped her anywhere or threw her into a DR, I think I'd end up keeping her for a long time.

character: Madotsuki
series: Yume Nikki
muse strength: ■ ■ ■ □ □ Okay now this one I don't even have any explanation for. I just really, really want to try her sometime, which I guess makes sense, but... this urge to app her? Yeah no I have no reasoning behind this.
cast strength: ■ ■ □ □ □ There are a few players out there! :> At the place I'm considering, if she's allowed there, I may eventually get like. One other castmate, which isn't so bad for her game.
plotting capabilities: ■ ■ ■ □ □ Why can I think of stuff for her to do? 8| But I seriously can. It's odd.
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ □ □ □ If I picked her up I would rly try not to drop her. >: ♥ I loev Madotsuki and she seems so, so interesting. I'd love to play around in her head (in a more RP sense rather than just playing her game).


character: Poniko/Uboa
series: Yume Nikki
muse strength: ■ ■ □ □ □ I KINDA WANT TO PLAY HER JUST TO GIVE HER A SHOT. She seems like she could be rly interesting. And wao theorizing that Poniko and Uboa are connected in a major way, it could be fun to play around with that.
cast strength: ■ ■ ■ ■ □ IN THE ONE GAME I WOULD EVEN CONSIDER PICKING HER UP FOR? Fuck yeah that cast. Yes forever. ♥
plotting capabilities: □ □ □ □ □ And this is why I may not do it. 8| No fuckin' idea what to do with this girl u gaiz.
likelihood of drop: ■ ■ ■ □ □ I FEEL SO UNCERTAIN AND DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH HER, AAAAAH. If I ever picked her up, I would try not to drop her, but oh god so uncertain. I'm a wimp and will probably never even get around to it anyway, though.

Is that all? Yeah I think that's all.

Oh, also, anyone else out there doing NaNoWriMo? I think I may have an idea for one this year, so I'm pretty stoked for that. :3 Some weird superhero thing for the win? If any of you guys are doing it too, what're your ideas so far, or are you going to just wing it?

reborn, thewake_rp, nanowrimo, reverie lane, general rambling, covered in bees, meme, mammon aka viper, transformers animated, bumblebee, roleplay

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