Kayleigh was born on January 10 at 6:01pm. Labor was not ideal this time around. Good news is though I went on my own instead of being induced on the 15th.
On January 9, Mara had a sibling class and it went well. I got to see the new rooms which were huge and homey, the nursery was awesome. It is a huge room and on both sides were glass so family could see the babies. It used to be a small room with 1 window. The L&D room was decent sized but not to homey just blah and the postpartum rooms were showboxes, I had to jump over Nicholas's bassinet to go to the showbox bathroom. We had 3 people in the room and it was crowded. Also now they had a Triage so woman who are in premature labor or those thinking they are do not take up all the L&D rooms from those who really are in labor.
The postpartum rooms had beauitful wood floors, a chouch, table and the bed. A Tv with a DVD/VHS player and huge bathroom with a huge shower. The old rooms had no showers. It was very homey and beautiful. I couldn't wait to give birth and it came sooner than expected. My original due date was January 27, so she should've been just born, lol.
Around 11pm that night I started cramping and my cat was acting weird and I felt weird. I couldn't sleep cause I kept having them and I took a shower and drank some water and still kept getting them. Finally at 4am I awakened my hubby and told him I thought it was the real deal, I hadn't slept at all. I called my mom at 4:30am and told her what was going on and we debated on whether or not I should go in since I was still a bit early. She said she'd call back in a few after she wakes up, lol. She wakes up around 5am for work. She called back and said to bring the kids to her house and she called in and took off work. We bundled the kids up and I debated on whether or not to bring the bags I had packed and decided not to since I was still early and figured it was most likely nothing.
We dropped off the kids and heading to the hospital which is a 45 minute drive and it was freezing out.
I had to go through the ER to be admitted since it was afterhours. I get all hooked up and my contractions were irregular and I was only 1 cm dialated, which sucked.
My contractions then became regular, every 3 minutes. My doctor said to walk for an hour and if there was progress then they would hook up the IV's.
I walked for an hour and kept stopping to see these 2 newborn tiwn boys born just 2 days before and a baby girl born the day before.
After an hour I went to be checked and I was 3 cm dialated but my contractions were irregular again. The nurse said since I dialated 2 more CM's in an hour something was going on. They left to call my doctor and we were nervous, we didn't know if my doctor would give the go ahead and get things going or send me back home until I was in active labor.
The nurse came back in with a bag od IV fluid and said my doctor said to get me all hooked up. I started to cry, I was so excited knowing i'd have my baby girl that day.
AFter my IV was hooked up my doctor came in to break my water, he wanted to speed things up. He also had the guy come and give me an interthecal cause I went so fast with Nicholas my doctor didn't want me in so much pain right off the bat. The guy had no problem getting it in and I felt relief instantly it was nice. My blood pressure plumeted and I was given a shot to bring it back up and I also became severely itchy, the worst case they ever saw. My skin was raw from scratching. Also the medication completely STOPPED my labor.
My doctor checked me and I was 5cm dialated. He ordered pitocin and the nurse upped it every freaking half hour, it took 12 hours to put me back into labor and I eventually became 6cm. Contractions became very intense and on top of each other really quick. For 10 minutes I tried so hard to get through them, I didn't want any medication to stop labor again. My doctor checked me and I was 7cm and I told him I could not handle the pain anymore, I was crying it hurt so bad. Contractions with mara and Nicholas were not this painful. Also, it had been a long day and I was exhausted.
He ordered another interthecal and said there wouldn't be time for an epidural. The guy had a very hard time getting it in this time and hubby said blood was pouring out my back. After a few minutes he got it in and I instantly felt sooooooooooo much better. Not to mention the vein they blew several hours earlier.
Anyways. My blood pressure plumeted again and I was given more medication and the next thing I know a nurse throws an oxygen mask on me and rolls me to my side and told me Kayleigh's heartrate was dropping. I got worried. My doctor stood and watched her heartrate fluctuate and said "I am going to check u again." He checked me and said "you are complete and her head is right there." he ran out into the hall and yelled for the nurses to get in my room ASAP. Of course hubby had went with my parents and kids to get something to eat downstairs, I said I would not wait for him. He walked in as I was told to push, I pushed and the nurses were shoekced. 1 said "I have never seen someone ush out a baby so fast, you only gave half a push and she was out." My doctor was shocked to and said he'd never seen someone go so fast. Kayleigh was born screaming, she had her hand wrapped around the umbilical cord cutter and my doctor had to pry her hand off, he found it hilarious. He said he never seen a baby grab the cutters like she did. Kayleigh was 6lbs 9oz and 20in, her apgars were 9. Kayleigh was the smallest of the 3 but the longest. I stayed in the L&D for an hour and the nurses kept going on and on about how I don't mess around. She was also laughing about how right when I pushed her out I was on the phone talking to my uncle.
Kayleigh lost a few ounces and weighed 6lbs 2oz. She is nursing better than she did. For the first 24 hours she didn't really want to eat. The nurse took her that night so I could rest and they'd bring her back in 3 hours to try again. The kids were sooooooooooo happy to finally have her here. My mom is like "it figures we go eat and she comes."
I had my tubes tied 2 days later. All I remember is hearing a nurse yell at me to breathe and said my oxygen level had plumeted along with my blood pressure, she threw an oxygen mask on me and kept telling me to wake up and breathe. After 15 minutes I came out if it. That was scary.
Kayleigh is wonderful and a good nurser. I love her sooooooo much, she is precious.
Here are some pictures of her.
She just came out
She was just placed on the warmer
Cleaned up
Being weighed and measured
Taking everything in
Pestering my poor baby
1 day old
1 week old