some things

Feb 08, 2009 17:55

i have not forgotten your requests, q1 and snappyappy. those entries are coming. :)

i am trying to write my senior statement for the senior show and it is harder then any paper i have ever had to write. how do i talk about my experiences and about me without mentioning how much i fucking hate NESAD and the BS they put me through over italy? i don't even know where to begin when it comes to talking about my work or how i got started or where my creativity came from, especially when i went against my mom's wishes and chose to be an art major. it's frustrating.

how would you write a statement about me?

at least things at home are 1000%x better then they were before. my sister wrote an email for me that i sent to my mom and we have been getting along very well. she supports me in my eventual move to d.c., but she agreed immediately after graduation is not a good idea, especially with no money saved up and an economy in the shitter. one to one-point-five years here in boston, let the economy/job market pick back up, and then go at it full-fucking-force.

there is so much work to be done for tomorrow and i have NOTHING done. plus, i am worried sick over lola, who has been throwing up and had diarrhea for the past two days--but she is her normal silly self. they did a fecal sample yesterday to check for parasites but never called my mom back, and when she called the hospital number they gave her, they wouldn't answer ANY questions and only said, "it's $147 to just walk in the door." what the fuck?

in addition to everything else on my plate, i began interning at a museum. this museum to be exact (totally understand if you don't want to explore the EXTREMELY poorly done website but in person it is an amazing place). my history professor is the curator there, and they have one of the most amazing collections of artifacts from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. there is a chair currently on display that, if sold, would fetch a few million. i'm learning about designing exhibits (did my first one yesterday with the other intern and my good friend michael), creating NICE labels for the artifacts on display, playing with cool artifacts, and will eventually be designing brochures, a WINE LABEL and possibly the BOTTLE, and anything else they can throw my way. currently i'm working on illustrating historically accurate pirate flags as well as a brochure/map of plymouth's burial hill. my professor/curator is the most generous man, the kindest man, and i consider myself to be extremely lucky to be learning under him and helping him out in the museum. he has my loyalty for the rest of my life.

i'll also be modeling in future exhibits for him, in an 18th century gown (this may ALSO occur on HORSEBACK), a riding habit, and in a drinking exhibit he'll be doing soon where i get to be the pin-up girl, the tavern wench, and a Victorian lady (the exhibit will examine drinks and drinking from the 17th century up to at least the 1950s or possibly present times). i'd bend over backwards for him.

in the summertime i will probably end up doing tours down there. this is so good for me, because i would KILL to work in one of the smithsonian museums, or for nat. geo., or anything else museum-related down there.

yup, i'm on my way to becoming a rock star.
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