Nov 02, 2010 17:28

Sean and I made this deal some time last week or perhaps it was the week before.. He said the fish burger in his school was REALLY good and I said my school had fish burger too! So we decided to both buy it and make an exchange.

It's been a week or two now and he keeps forgetting! And I either come back late or the stall ran out of fish burgers so I haven't had the chance to get it for him.

Anyway, I've been giving him money to get me one but he keeps saying the queue's really long or gives me some other excuse. Then yesterday, I came home and was told that he did buy it! I was thrilled. BUT he "couldn't resist it" so he gobbled it up before I got home.

Today, I came home late after lunch with Andrea at Marmalade Pantry and was told that he bought it for me again. BUT this time, there were two holes bitten from it. hahahahah he's so adorable. My maids told me that he was apparently really proud of himself and exclaimed that he only bit two holes from it and managed to save the rest for me.

This is my baby brother and the burger with two bites taken from it :D

Later on, I found out that the only reason he managed to control himself was because he bought TWO burgers and finished one already. Then he decided to be nice and only bite two from mine. Anyway, I took two bites and decided I don't really fancy it so I let him have the rest. Now it's my turn to buy a fish burger for him :)

He really brightens my day.
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