Title: First Kiss
Pairing: Nick and Demi are filming Camp Rock. This is what happens on their first meeting.
Rating: G
Nick had never been one for romance. He just didn’t see the point. Sure he had been in plenty of relationships, but he was never one to do the sappy stuff like buy flowers for the girl you were with. Sure, he was a gentleman; paying for dinner, pulling out chairs, opening doors. He just wasn’t romantic. At least he wasn’t, and then he met her.
They were in Canada filming their movie, Nick didn’t have a very big part in it, but he was constantly on set to support his brother. The first day she walked on set, his breath hitched in his chest. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her brown hair was stick straight, her bangs hanging in her eyes. When she smiled, her whole body lit up. Her laugh was contagious, he didn’t know what she was laughing about, but he couldn’t help but laugh along. He needed to get to know this girl, but she was currently filming a very flirtatious scene with his brother. He couldn’t explain the jealousy that spread thru out his entire body. He didn’t even know her, yet he was getting jealous.
The director called cut, and as she was walking off of the set towards him. He knew he couldn’t let her get away, so he reached out and grabbed her by her arm. She was startled and looked at him with a look that could’ve burned thru steel.
“I’m Nick.”
“And I’m Demi; it’s nice to meet you Nick. Although I would’ve preferred different circumstances to our meeting.”
“Nice to meet you Demi. Sorry about that, I just couldn’t let you get away without meeting you.”
“Well, that’s very sweet, I guess. I’m not too sure. How about we get go get a cup of coffee from catering while we wait for our next scene.”
“Sounds great Demi.”
He smiled and followed her to the catering cart. He poured both of them a cup of coffee, and handed her a cup. Their conversation flowed like they had known each other for ages. Nick didn’t hold anything back, and neither did Demi. They heard the PA’s calling them both to the set.
“Well, Demi, I guess we should head back before they think we ran away.”
“That’d probably be a good idea. They would probably think we got kidnapped by some crazy fans.”
He laughed, and as she started to walk away, he grabbed her arm yet again, and put his hand on her cheek and placed his lips to hers. A blush started to spread on her cheeks and she smiled and grabbed his hand and they walked back to set together.