So yesterday was one of my favouritest days of the year -- The Oscars! Though I lost the pool (dang!) and the KB pool (DANG!) I won the day-of and the Early picks! Now that's some good pressured and non-sensical pickings!
Now, in honour of the Oscars, I give you a brief list of people I would thank if I were ever to win an Oscar (and yes, I can use *MY* Oscar to do this as well). "And so..."
- Batman
- the Marx brothers
- Poison Ivy (for utilisation of her name)
- Buster Keaton (EVERYONE should thank him)
- Dean Martin
- Wormtongue
- Saruman
- Palpatine
- The (suit and tie) Beatles
- Love of my Life#1 aka Ewan: For obvious reasons -- Have you heard him sing...or...SPEAK?!
- Elfy Boy aka The Pretty aka Orlandy aka Count Orli: For his continued efforts at making my life more pretty, even if not on tape. :-p
- Bela and in conjunction:
- Count Dracula: for being misunderstood, and all alone... and not the red-eyed, long white moustached scary ratboy he was supposed to be in the book. :-p
That's the short version. Given time and knowing I had a nomination I would have a MUUUUUUUUUUUCH longer list. And no, none of you reading this would be mentioned. If you're lucky I'd mention "The little people" and mean you... Unless of course I have to shorten the speech in which case "The Little People" will refer to the important Hobbits.