Nov 09, 2007 00:24
A facebook friend posted this quiz and so I post it here....
1. your boyfriend ups and leaves you for his ex. you do what?
First I’d have to pull a Fry when he marries Leela and go back in time to find out exactly how I got this supposed boyfriend. :P
2. your boyfriend buys you flowers. you do what?
Say “Uh…thanks… but…flowers, really? Couldn’t you have spent that on something like… I don’t know… a movie?” I may be Poison Ivy by alisas but goodness knows allergy-prone-me + flowers… not a good combo (unless of course they’re of the elusive blue variety that I am hoping to get some day!)
3. your ex wants to hook back up. you do what ?
If he up and left me for his skanky ex (yes, I’m assuming the ex is skanky :P) then I kick him and kick him hard… then laugh. :P
4. your parents tell you they're moving far away from where you live now. you do what?
Wait…are they just randomly ditching me on the side of the road or am I going too? :P Either way I’d shrug and go along (after complaining a lot about having to pack stuff for that is my way).
5. you lose something someone special gave to you. do you tell them?
Depends what I lost. If it’s something I think they’d be able to help me find, then sure!
6. you are offered α career in the spotlight. you'll be as famous as Britney. (or as she ONCE was.)
I’m not one for the spotlight… (says the narcissitic girl doing a quiz all about herself… teehee).
7. you're a week late for your period. there's a chance you could be pregnant. your reaction?
8. you're driving down the road and a cat runs out in front of you. do you swirve so you don't hit it?
Definitely try to swerve or slow down! I may not be a fan of cats but I’d never intentionally hit it if I could avoid it.
9. your opposite sex best friend is starting to act like he likes you more than a friend. do you go along with it?
My opposite sex best friend is my only opposite sex friend and that would be my sister’s best friend and that makes this question icky and not answerable because he’s practically a second brother to me. Ewww.
10. you're fighting alot lately. you and your bf/gf. you want to end it, but you're not sure how. what would you do?
Use Homer's suggestion: "Welcome to splitsville, population - you." :P
11. who were you with friday night?
I do believe I was at work with Tim, very, very bored because somehow whenever we work together no one’s ever around!
12. what woke you up this morning?
Ugh, alarm clock at 6am because I had to be at work at 7. BLERGH! I haven’t had to wake up that early in a while!
13. where are you?
At home, watching ‘Prison Break’ and being SHOCKED by the happenings.
14. is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Meh, it’s gonna be an essay-writing day, so it could definitely be worse (as in today - my Confucianism class-reading day… blech).
15. did you kiss or hug anyone today?
Nope. In the words of George, Sr.: "No touching"
16. when's the last time you cried?
I honestly have no idea. I was trying to see if I could cry on command (yeah I’m weird :P) last week, but it just wasn’t working!
17. what were you doing at 10 last night?
Watching KOTH when I should have been sleeping because I knew I had to wake up early.
18. what were you doing at midnight last night?
Trying to sleep, but realising I had to wake up early I was having a hard time of it.
19. what were you doing at 2:00am?
I was actually sleeping! The one day I do a quiz when my answer to these 3 questions actually has “sleeping” as the answer… usually it’d be “online”…“watching the mintek” and so on.
20. ever thrown up from a roller coaster or an amusement park?
Felt sick, didn’t throw up.
21. what's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
How annoying it is that my face is so itchy.
22. where would you like to live?
Here if only they weren’t going to go all construction crazy. So, instead that would be right by SC:RH!
23. what kind of home would you like when you grow up?
I’d like a house that has much better circulation than this one, that’s for dang sure.
24. what do you want to be when you grow up?
Movie critic would be awesome, but even better than that would be writing for ToyFare… imagine THAT?
25. where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Probably right here, or a equal such “here” meaning SOMEWHERE in front of a comp.
26. what is the longest you have gone without checking your myspace?
21 years. :P
27. who was the last person that sent you a message?
On MSN? Laura
28. are you friends with this person?
Oh yeah, Lij is awesome. She’s the only one that can understand my uber-fan-girl ways and make me feel like it’s alright. And say that my family’s “cool,” though I’m sure her cool meter is WAY off. ;P
29. how often do you log in to myspace?
30. what do you like to do when you're in your car?
I don’t have a car of me own, but in Arrn-ard I wouldn’t say I LIKE TO do this but tis necessary - go through the CDs and put them in the right place. :P
31. do you like candy necklaces?
They’re alright, kinda gross and sticky after a while.
32. when was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
I walked into the wall just 2 hours ago. Go me! :P
33. do you listen to music every day?
Pretty much.
34. why'd your last relationship fail?
Because it wasn’t exactly what you could call a “relationship” or… “real” for that matter. :P
35. what was the last thing you ate?
36. is it the weekend?
24 hrs to it.
37. what are you doing tonight?
After ‘Prison Break’s done, going to sleep.
38. what's your favorite soda?
Was Coke until I gave up pop.
39. ever moved?
2 times - Toronto to Markham, Markham to practically down the street in Markham.
40. favorite sport to watch?
41. what do you want right now?
To not be inflicted by itchy allergies. L
42. are you listening to music right now?
Only on the tv.
43. do you like summer break or christmas break better?
Summer. It’s longer, it’s sunnier. Christmas feels too rushed and sneaks up too quickly nowadays.
44. what was the last tv show you watched?\
Other than PB right now, ’30 Rock’
45. last reason you threw up?
I felt sick?
46. best place to eat?
Recently, I have become a fan of Alice Fazooli’s (as I know Nav has as well).
47. what time is it?
48. what should you be doing right now?
Sleeping, probably.
49. what is your pet peeves?
”Stupid people.” - agreeeed! Also, as odd as it sounds, re-heated fast food.
50. what song makes you cry?
Lately, that "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas gets me teary-eyed. First because someone made a really good HP-video about the last book using it, but then because I kept trying to get it to work with the scenes of Katie talking for my little video I made and it just went well (but unfortunately the quality was so bad I couldn't use it) thus I felt all sentimental and nostalgic.
51. what song makes you happy?
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - actually, most stuff Michael Buble sings makes me happy.
52. what do you listen to before you go to bed?
mp3 player or mintek
53. what does your mp3/ipod player have in it right now?
All sortsa stuff now that I can fit more on it.
54. if you were a crayon what color would you be?
Realistically? Some sort of tan.
55. what makes you happy?
56. what is your dream car?
One with a chauffeur.
57. what is your favorite state?
Since I am not from the U.S. I technically don’t have a favourite state. Ontario’s my fav province (ha! I can say that now that I’ve been to half of them!), but Nova Scotia was alright - yes, I was very won over by the tall, skinny, light-haired white boys, I was. :P If I must pick, though, probably New York because it’s the one with the city most similar to Toronto… and also the only one I’ve been to (no NJ doesn’t count because we just stayed there whilst visiting NY). :P
58. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
To see the pyramids (and King Tut!), the British Museum, Bran Castle. You know, the usuals.
59. what is the farthest from home you have ever been?
India. Without any family members, New York City.