Jun 17, 2008 13:31
So since I know I have not really posted anything of substance in a while, I figured I'll do a real update.
I am working at Norwich University in Northfield, VT, in Development and Alumni Relations. My two major backgrounds are Planned Giving and Corporate and Matching Gifts, but my job title requires me to do a lot of work interacting with class years of 1958 and older. I do many obituaries (including but not limited to notifying classes, updating for the monthly eNews and the quarterly NU newspaper, and updating our alumni online community), I work on the NUCA (Cemetery Association). Right now I'm working on both a new cemetery brochure and our memorial wall brochure to get people interested in purchasing spots. Everything is pretty much money focused, but we do a lot for our alums too. I'm working on the 2008 and 2009 homecomings for the older folks, we're working on getting some serious cashflow from the class of 2009 since one of the leaders has already donated well over a million dollars. I work on the presidents floor so it's always tip top to be professional, but I've known him for years since I'm quite the legacy at Norwich. I absolutely love my job though, I'm always busy (sometimes I can pretty cranky and behind though), and I love my two bosses.
I have an amazing apt that is about a 5-10 minute walk from the University, a two minute drive. It's two bedrooms and is very inexpensive since I'm renting from a professor of the University who knew my grandfather. I live with my three kitties and my wonderful boyfriend who is working in Jericho, VT at the range. He is full time Army right now, finishing up one class this summer to complete his degree. We are doing very well at playing house.
My sister just had a little boy who has just turned three months old. He's wonderful and I can't wait to have my own!
Well that's it for now, I'm going to get back to work.