allreb: Pick a character I've written/am likely to know about and I will give and explain the top five ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing/imagining that character that I believe are essential to accurately depicting them.
Yay, an excuse to be obnoxiously opinionated!
Also, from everywhere: Post the first sentence (or three) from every
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2. She could live completely in the real world if she had to (unlike, say, James, who can't turn it off), but she chooses not to, hence the costumes and explosives and accents and slapping and whatnot. She believes that life should be as dramatic as possible. And when she's playing pretend, she really believes whatever she's playing. (To put this another way: Camille doesn't believe in mermaids, except for about three hours one afternoon.)
3. There is nothing she wants to do but act. She will go on auditions until she DIES if she has to. (She won't have to.)
4. Further to this last point, she's actually a walking encyclopedia of every great actress who's ever lived. (Actors, too, but she tends to latch on to female role models.) Her favorite is Katharine Hepburn.
5. She's not in love with Logan. She is, however, genuinely attracted to him, which is why she picked him. (James was initially dismissed as out of her league. Also, she used to slap Kendall in the early days because he was usually in the front of the group and easiest to reach.)
ETA: Also, Ted was once impressed by an organic grocery store that transformed into a rocket, but that turned out to be a dream.
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