Weekly Comics Round-Up

Jan 15, 2012 16:59

Oh yeah, comics exist.

Batman Incorporated: Leviathan Strikes: So I don't care about Batman at all and haven't read a bit of Batman Inc., but I bought this because STEEEEEEEEPH. I liked the story and loved the art, though I did feel like it was insanely rushed. But, um, is this DCnU canon or not? Because Steph is not only Batgirl, she mentions having been Robin. So...

As a side note, I realize these are a bunch of issues that never got published as floppies and were packaged this way because of that, but don't think binding it with a spine was the smartest idea. Parts of the speech bubbles are lost in the gutters.

Batwoman #4-5: Hot damn, this book is good. I hope this isn't their way of phasing Bette out, though, because I love her.

Blue Beetle #4: So...Bianca's a parody of an angry, irrational parent, Paco's throwing gang signs, it looks like they're going for the Paco/Brenda/Jaime love triangle, we've got underboob on the first page and Paco being skewered on the last, and worst of all, Jaime went for the lethal option, which is contradictory to the very essence of his original character? Fuck this. I'm out.

The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man: Sigh. I really, really love the concept of this book - a nerd and a jock get accidental superpowers and have to learn to work together and become total bros and also sometimes they have a megazord? - but I'm not particularly enjoying the execution thereof. The art seems really half-assed at times, which, like...issue 3 is pretty early to be falling down on the job, you guys. I could also use more character development and less "shady government agency sends/develops nuclear-powered bad guy who then fights with other nuclear-powered individual." (There are, like, five of them now? Six? A hundred? It's fatiguing.)

Oh, and then there's the fact that Gail freaking Simone fridged the love interest (who spend most of her time before that clutching her pearls). Yes, I know Tonya's not dead, but "shot in the head to make Jason sad and cranky" falls under Ms. Simone's original definition of fridging. So...disappointed.

I don't know. I have no particular attachment to the Firestorm franchise, so...maybe I'll give it one more issue?

Justice League International #4-5: Well, it remains kinda boring. The art is still great. The characterization is still really half-assed - people fight and reconcile in a very sort of superficial-seeming way. I did enjoy Booster attempting to hug Guy at the end. I wish Batman would either shut up or go away, though. If you want to support Booster as leader, let him lead, and stop giving him awesome advice like "Keep fighting."

The Ray #1: I don't remember where, but I saw this recommended as similar to Brian Q. Miller's Batgirl/Jaime's old series, so I picked it up. It's cute! I'm not sure Igle's art always quite matches what the script is trying to portray (most unfortunately with Chanti, who is drawn shrewish and angry when her dialogue seems more concerned) and it's super rushed, but for the most part I enjoyed it. I like Lucien, I like the diverse cast, his parents are adorable, and it made me laugh a couple of times. For now, it's a keeper.

Supergirl #4: KARA. MY GIRL IS SMART. AND TOUGH. *______* I am loving this comic. If only it didn't seem like her crotch panel was getting smaller every issue. :( :( :(

Wonder Woman #4: I really enjoy seeing the way each of the Greek gods is reimagined, but other than that, not much about this book is hooking me. :/

comics, comics: justice league, comics: batfamily, comics: green lanterns, comics: wonder woman family, weekly comics round-up, comics: superman family, comics: blue and gold

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