so it turns out that the vet was, in fact, a moron.

Jan 05, 2012 12:44

So you know how on episodes of House when no one knows what the patient has, and then fifteen minutes in they're like "oh it must be this thing," and then forty minutes in they realize that not only is it a misdiagnosis, but that the treatment almost killed the patient?

Yeah, that's what happened to our cat.  Only now we're at the forty-five-minute mark, hanging around to see whether he's gonna make it.  He's in very bad shape, at a feline hospital (to the tune of $ohgodIcan'teventhinkaboutit per day).  The Boy is livid (and I can count on one hand the times I've seen him angry in the last fifteen years) and I'm just horrified with myself, because I have a bad habit of ignoring my instincts, especially when someone in a position of authority urges me to, and that is exactly what happened here.

[Meanwhile, this conversation:
The Boy: What are you doing?
Me: I'm telling the Internet about our cat.
The Boy: ::solemn nod:: The Internet needs to know.]

swamp rabbit

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