Squee over last night's Boardwalk Empire,
Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. I want to hate you! With the unprovoked photographer abuse and the Vacuum Sweeper of Anxious Masculinity and the interrupting of cute lesbianism! I want to hate you, but I cannot, because you are basically standing in the middle of the room screaming "I REALLY HOPE THAT MODERN PSYCHOLOGY ADVANCES TO THE POINT SOON WHERE YOU FUCKS RECOGNIZE PTSD. THAT WOULD BE JUST SWELL." And no one (except the adorable Phantom of the Opera Sharpshooters) gets it, least of all Nucky, who's so physically non-violent that when he does respond with one-on-one force--like when he threw the insufferable Mickey Doyle up against the wall in this ep (please, God, let Jimmy just shoot him out of pure annoyance, and give Chalky his fabulous purple suit)--it's like, damn. Because Steve Buscemi is not physically imposing, but sometimes you get the idea that Nucky could burn a hole in your face with his eyes. Which is why I loved, loved, loved the tableau when they were getting revenge on Lansky and the Fabulously Annoying Pope Brothers: Jimmy, gun in hand, seemingly motionless but full of energy, like a cobra waiting to strike; Chalky, all id and no ego, choking the life out of Annoying Pope Guy to revenge his friend's lynching and pretty much proving that he's the only guy on this show who isn't afraid to feel his feelings; and in the center, Nucky, in that absolutely amazing red suit, as still as a monument. He only moves to let Lansky go--you know, so he can be the good guy.
How much do I love Richard Harrow? SO MUCH. And I love the little girl who plays Margaret's daughter, because the way her little face went from "there's the scary man again but I will not lose my shit this time I will not I will not" to "hey! The scary man is MY OWN PERSONAL FAIRY TALE CHARACTER!" was seriously impressive for such a young actress. The idea of him as the Schroederlings' babysitter is too cute. And I may be shipping Margaret/Richard now. Just a little bit.
Also, someone needs to make a Jimmy/Richard vid to St. Vincent's "Paris is Burning," STAT.
The pride on Nucky's face after Margaret's speech was so wonderful, because adorable Tin Woodsmen aside I ship Margaret/Nucky so hard, but then it's back to three men controlling the world in a roomful of women voters and it's so, so gross and God, I miss the beautifully restrained UST of the first few episodes and that glorious but all-too-brief moment when he kisses her in the hallway and they both let go of all the pretense for just a moment, but those two are seriously just doomed. The irony is, the more he sees of her smarts and independence, the more he falls for her; and the more she uses her smarts and independence, the more she sees through him, and is all like "WHEN DID I TURN INTO CARMELA SOPRANO. FUCK."
Oh, bohemian lesbians. I do love you, and I hate that you are the only couple on the show that shows real affection for one another because you are SO FABULOUSLY DOOMED. Also, anyone else here reminded of that Boy Meets World episode where Cory and Shawn were trying to maintain their bromance in spite of Shawn's girlfriend and they're like "Where should we meet?" "Paris!" "That's the first place she'd look!" Like, of course the bohemian lesbian wants to go to Paris and dance with Isadora Duncan. You can't go halfway on these things.
And finally: Agent Puritanical! I thought your fire-and-brimstone attempted seduction of Margaret was the grossest thing ever! Until you awkwarded your way into a speakeasy and exposed us to Lucy's bush again, and then with the scourging scars and the "oh, Daddy!" and the fetal position and OH MY GOD IT WAS TEN TIMES GROSSER WHY ARE YOU SO GROSS.