May 24, 2004 22:03
i had so much fun today, guys. i got to kick it with all my boys. [adam, jake, devin, nick, sean, js, etc...] i kept getting attacked tho, which actually rocked. i have a head ache. i've had it all day, which is so homosexual. i need to sleep. adam was massaging my hands wich apparently gets rid of head aches. it did for like 10 mins, but then he stopped and it came back. i broke his lighter today... and he killed me. i'm watching video clash on MTV right now. and the rock videos are DOMINATING over the hip hop videos. good, the world is finally learning to do away with the nigger music. thats how it should be. i'm eating ice cream right now. its sooo fucking good, i cant even explain to you. not that you care... i just did the little dealy in joeys lj. it was fun... i got to reminicse about fun times with him, nate, tom, sanlo... liek k-mart, little-baby-sea-otter and walnut krunked... and the 3 wild niggas. craziness, that was. oh shit, my head is going to explode. fuck migranes. they fucking piss me off. im about to go sleep it off. xo-later-xo