
Apr 01, 2011 00:05

 Last night I dreamed about...

Untimely Deaths

In my dream, my parents went to visit relatives in London. They have done this a few times during their retirement, which is lovely for them. But in my dream, they were murdered while on their vacation. I was shocked and horrified. I flew back home, where we had to arrange everything. I'm not sure if we held a funeral, but I do remember being in the house with my siblings, looking over all the paperwork and wills. We were going to have to look at my parents' investments, think about selling the house. It felt so overwhelming. It was such a senseless, abrupt tragedy.

I heard something in the sunroom at the front of the house, and when I went to investigate, I saw my father. I cannot describe the complete shock that I felt rush through me- I couldn't believe my eyes, couldn't tell if he was real, or if he was a ghost. A million possibilities raced through my head, and a swooping, unimaginable rush of joy. I asked if this meant that Mum was "here", whatever that meant, and he laughed.

Because it turned out that they were both alive and well. They hadn't been killed at all. It was all an elaborate ruse, because my parents... were international spies.

Yes. Spies. My parents are in their 60s, and not exactly spry. But apparently they had been involved in government affairs for decades, and this was one last job they had to complete. They were sorry for the pain and suffering we all went through, but it was necessary for the benefit to our countries.

I never did find out what the job was, and I woke up before anything else could be resolved.


The dream was interesting because of the plot, but also because of the real emotion that I felt. I have felt emotions in dreams before, but these were so intense and vibrant- I truly grieved, and the relief/shock/job at seeing my father was really powerful.

I'm not exactly sure what this dream meant. Usually it's clearer than this. I am extremely stressed about work these days, and yesterday was a real low point. I was very emotional and drained before bed, so that contributed. 
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