Nov 28, 2005 22:00
So much things to cause stress. Today some got added to what there already was... I have school and these two damned projects to worry about, I'm falling behind in Math all over again, I haven't really spent time with my mom forever...*Sigh* And then today it was confirmed that I -do- have a cold now. At first I thought it was strep I was getting. But it isn't. Just a small simple cold. I'll probably be over it in a short time. And then my expander has just made me further annoyed with it. It had already been pissing me off, making just about anything unpleasant. Eatting, talking, singing, being awake period. Now all that is trippled. My teeth are extremely sensative, so it's fucking dreadful to eat. My tongue is getting more cut up and crud. Tongue constantly feels numb-ish and cold-ish because of it. Being sick, even if it is just barely, it -not- helping my mood on anything...
Then today...I discovered one of my few closer friends to have started something that I once did a couple years ago...I -really- hope he stops before it gets too far. Him and I talked this morning as soon as I found out, which didn't take long at all, and then later I wrote him a note hoping to explain my words I had earlier said better.
I'm worried about a few other little things too...Hm.
Despite all this wave of things, I'm not sad and/or depressed. Just kinda calm. Not numb, no. Just calm, not allowing myself to get affected by it much. Not blocking it out, I just know better now than to let it get to me. I'm just waiting for it to go by because it will. o.o; Doing what I can get myself to do. I know things'll be fine soon enough. Until then, the people I'm worried about are more than welcome to talk to me about anything if they just need to get stuff out.
Thanksgiving was pretty much just like any other weekend for me, just with a bit more food to eat at the house. Don't do family things really. My friends are my family in my mind anyways. oo I would have done a "I'm thankful for..." list like everyone else, but I'm really not good at doing that type of thing. xx;
Been wanting to do a lot lately that I can't really do. xx; All of it I'm lucky to squeeze time in for. Writting is something I want to do lately, drawing, and reading. Don't have much time though. As for drawing, there is TONS I want to draw. I've had so many idea's. But my drawings skills aren't where they need to be. But...I'm scribbling a lot and trying to see how to make myself improve. I don't really have confidence in any of it, but I'll try at least a little anyways. I've produced some drawings how I wanted them, so I know it's possible.
Writting, I just need time. Same goes for the damned reading. xx; *Can't wait for Christmas break, even if it is just a week* Also I'm hoping VERY much Alex will return...xx I'm pretty sure he'd help get some stress off of my shoulders once he's back.
Hrm...Guess I needed to rant. o_o;
Man I want to own Final Fantasy Unlimited. =X I don't flippin' have the money though. I'm debating seeing about renting the series and making copies. But my dad still needs to fix the copies of Weiss Kreuz of mine. xx; I'd rather own the originals anyway. I'll get them eventually. =O
>_> I STILL haven't gotten to watch Advent Children...;_; Damn me. BEAT SEPHIROTH ALREADY! >_< I think I'm gunna go work on some school work then work on Final Fantasy VII.
Anywho...Thanks for dealing with my complaining above if you read the whole entry.