I've been socked in the eye, had a penny shoved through one. I've had a kidney removed. I've been stabbed in the leg with a broken bottle. I've been subject to shots full of all kinds of chemicals, slit my wrists twice, gotten caught on barbed wire fences. I've had chemical burns and burns of all kinds. Oh, and I've died twice.
So how the hell I managed to... no, fuck it... why the fuck I got myself into a situation that caused me more pain than any of those moments combined... Well, shit, to be honest, it's fucking beyond me.
I tried to be light about it all. Tried to start out the party being a passable case of social. I got business done. Got a lot of new shit to turn through. Tried to keep my mind off the fucking spot-of-death on my back. It wasn't the fact it was killing me that bothered me so much. I've died before. I don't care about dying again. It's just the bullshit way it was doing it.
I think all the shit really started when I got bored and Sunny and me decided to step out. Sunny went off to the bathroom and got stopped talking to people, so I went to start the car. That's when the screaming started. Naturally, and I don't think I was alone in this, the screaming made me pause. I wasn't sure I wanted to go check it out, so I played chicken-shit and told myself I was going to play get-away car for when the people I actually gave a damn about came flying out of the building.
But that wasn't at all what went down.
I'm standing there, keys in one hand, cell in the other, when I shit you not, this monster fuck comes bursting out of the building right at me. I'm cursing to holy fuck and back, when I drop my fucking keys trying to get the goddamned things in the ignition. And then, again I shit you not, I bend over to scramble for them and the fucking monster bellies up and starts whimpering. One minute it wants to carve my head out and the next it's running in fear of me.
I didn't get it at first, but that's when I lean back, thinking I'm gonna need new pants and I notice that goddamned spot on my back is exposed and it looks rigoddamndiculously identical to that mother-fucking bitch of a beast that just ran off.
So this gets me thinking. If this is the kind of shit going after everybody else, I'm a fucking god. Sunny and the girls are in there. I can change this really easily. Fuck it, I'll take what I get for now. So I charge back towards the building thing they'd set up and shits running from me left and right. Right up until I get to the ones about two times my size. Those fuckers are growling at me, but they ain't mixin' their shit with me so I keep going. That's when I realize the big bastard in the middle of them all has a serious beef with me.
I see people everywhere. Izzy, Reilly, and Atty at the front with others ripping shit up, but that big fucker tries to take a swipe at me and as soon as he does... well, shit, I'm honest, I'm no fuckin' fighter. I run. I run like a little girl. And a shit storm follows me. One of the bigger ones has grown balls seeing the huge fucker come at me a bit and swipes me.
I swear to god, I don't know what the fuck was watching out for me, but that's when I see Randy's rig pushing across the parkinglot. He hits the bastard full on and swings me in. My arm stings to holy fuck, but we're good. I'm safe.
Thank god all those lessons in pulling on Fate paid off. I'm pretty sure I'd be in some... well, hell if I know, but I'd be somewhere worse than death I'm sure.
Killing those things off was going to be the least painful part of it all, but I wouldn't know that until two days later. Oh hell no I didn't expect any of this shit. I always get fucked eventually, that's why I'm a jinx, but I always so goddamned stupidly think that because I can do a few tricks with Fate that I'm going to swing out on my inevitable nature. So... so fucking stupid.
But that's for later.