Mar 09, 2006 08:14
Well, It has been a long time since I've updated, but alot of stuff has happened in the past few months. So here we go, my last few moths, graded by +, - or = ( = means indiffrent)
Gabe and I broke up. I did it but It was sort of a mutual thing. We can never get a hold of eachother on the phone and never talk..... we just weren't together. What sucks is its been three weeks and he's called me twice and I have never had my phone when he calls. I don't want him thinking I don't want to talk to him. I still love him, I just can't be with him. Major -.
Lauren and I are talking again. We have plans to hang out over the break and just chill like old times. Its been really fun because there has been no drama which I love. I admit I was causious at first about reopening this friendship, but now I'm really glad I did. It amazazes me how much everything in my life has changed but we can still play video games and eat cookie dough for breakfast like old times. It's almost like a therypy. And, hanging around her has let me see other old friends such as Devin, Phillip, Alex and randomly Teffy and Catherine.Major +.
Erika has and I seem to be heading down a Gabe like track. We both have conflicting work scheduals and never get to talk. I know shes upset and wish I could be their for her, but shes tired and she gets even more distant and unwilling to pick up the phone when she gets in her funk. But hope isn't lost. We still live close together and still try to see eachother. And there's been no fight. Erika's and mine friendship is pretty resilient, so I'm not too worried about it . (=)
Jennifer and I seem to be falling apart. I tried do deal with her and Hagan and did for over 4 months, but shes turning into super girlfriend, and expecting me to treat her like he does, and I'm not in the mood to play her mind games anymore. Not when Hagan seems to be the only thing on her mind. He calls constently when we've talked about him not calling for no reason which makes me think he's insecure. She gets jelous when Hagan and I get along and would obviously like to spend every spare second with him. Fine, well I hope you enjoy your new best friend. I'm not gonna take the drama and the complaining if your not gonna take the time for me. (-)
I do have other friends I hang out with. Meredith, Mac, Candice, Trey, Tim and Jill. I always talked to them during class and now I sit with them during lunch and tutorials. Its not a serious friendship group, just something during school, but thats sort of what I want right now. No drama, just fun. I still sort of see Jennifer out of school so shes not complateatly erased from my plans. Plus, I have Shawn and Chris who are hillarious. (+)
Work is starting to get annoying. I'm gonna go on leave of absence soon so I can go to California for the summer. The plan is to come back, work for a week or two in August and then transfer to an HEB in San Marcos. Then, either switch departments or look for another job. I'm sick of bitchy people and there grocieres. ( = )
I'm sick of high school. I'm so ready for college and new stuff. New life at Texas State and just new everything!!!! ( School -, summer +, college +)
Life at home is better. Karon seems to have gotten over what ever crawled up her butt and Emily and I are getting along great. It's making my life so much easier. +
SPRING BREAK!!!! Its gonna rock. Town concert on saturday, Sunday, monday Tuesday Lauren, wensday erika maybe? Thursday pizza, video games and scholarships with Shawn and chris and the rest is up for grabs!!!NO WORK!!! major +
So, I have more pluses then negitives or =, but the negitive weigh heavily on my mind. But I guess it is a time to let go of some of the old If I have to. Crap happens. If it didn't, life would be boreing as hell.