
Mar 19, 2004 17:07

Ok, here's what I have to say about religious-psychobabble and same-sex marriages.
I just heard on the radio that Quebec has made it legal for same-sex couples to marry. Good job! That province is gaining my respect daily. I also heard though, the same old debate that being gay and marrying is "immoral". Well guess what, all you whiny ass shits that think you own everything because you "have God" or whatever, I think religion is immoral. How do you like them apples? jk
Seriously though, who's business is it if you're in love? It's really not mine. I'm sure you would love to know right about now whether I am or am not gay. But guess what? It doesn't matter. Because it's none of your business. My personal life effects no one but me. I really couldn't care less about anyone elses religion, sexual preferences, political views and so on. Sure, these are great topics to discuss on friendly, understanding terms but forcing something like your ethical (religious, morals, etc) views on someone is just wrong.
I can't wait until gays and lesbians can marry here. It will finally show that the government is making some connection between lack of support for same sex couples and prejudism. Everyone's so hung up on racism and giving minority's and other cultures "equal rights" yet no matter what race you are, if you're gay, you are not equal. A little hypocritical? I think so! *said very upbeat*
Well I'm done. Just thought I'd share that bit of wisdom with you.
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