Francophilia at its best

Nov 03, 2005 17:34






Caps from _jems_, everything else is mine. EDIT: no, it isn't. Two patterns are from Kaliber10000.
Take, comment and credit if you want to.

And to avoid my LJ from being icons only I will share an amusing little Amélie related anecdote. This summer, I was in Paris, hanging out with my friend who spent the most part of her summer vacation working on some godforsaken farm in central France. She took a week end off and we shacked up in Clichy and strolled around Paris for three days. So, we were in Montmarte, because I'm a total tourist and I love how Montmarte embodies my every image of french cities with its cuteness. To avoid the tourist mass we ended up getting lost and soon found ourselves in front of the vegetable store in the movie. After some girlish squees ("like OMG it's like a real place and it's so cute and can I please live in it" et cetera) from me I see a familiar face right next to me, and it's one of the actors from the movie. The guy who hangs out at the coffee house, stalking the waitress. The funny thing is that he and his girlfriend (or whoever she was - some girl he was hanging out with) seemed just as surprised (but possibly not as giggly) to be standing outside the store as well.
Ok, that story was more long than funny, but look at it this way: how likely is it that when you're lost in a town you've only visited once before should stumble upon the place that you've seen in a movie countless times? How likely is it then that you find an actor from the movie in question outside the place? Point made. I'm going to go back to the quiet lurking now.

icons, amélie, fangirl

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