"You get to see your team's logo, and feel all tingly about it!"

Jan 25, 2008 13:22

-So yeah, I totally had a dream that I had a hot dinner date with Steve Nash. And I was awkward and Steve was so sweet. Hm. Seeing as how I've totally been failing at being a basketball fan this year, though not entirely my fault (my work schedule for the first two months of the season usually overlapped with televised games), this is a definite sign. Steve scored 37 points the other night, 4th highest in his career, is in MVP talks AGAIN (although, as expected, not voted an All-Star Starter. That went to AI cuz HE DA MAN!). It's like he's saying "LEANNE, COME BACK! I MISS YOU AND WHEN YOU USED TO WEAR MY SHIRT AS MUCH AS YOU NOW WEAR YOUR GLAVDAWG SHIRT!"

^Which I am just wearing so it gets so disgusting and ratty that I have no choice but to throw it away, and I will be rid of a Glavdawg shirt forever. Yes. What, you didn't think I actually wanted a Braves one, did you? roflcopter
Although it should go out with a bang, I want to wear it to a Braves/Phils game and get him to sign it, y/n? No, I'm not kidding, I have a laundry list of very bad things in my head to shout at both him and Smoltz. And Frenchy. And Chipper. Er. Who isn't on my list?

-Speaking of, omg you guys you guys you guys...there was an article on mlb.com that I'm too lazy to find, but. It was all about old pitchers! Like JAMIE! And, Glavdawg. And then Smoltz showed up and ruined it, as he does. But it was pretty much goodtimes.

-I know the only thing people-who-aren't-Phils-fans think about Brett Myers is that he hit his wife, followed by that he called a reporter retarded, but you can't deny that it's pretty awesome that he surprised a bunch of kids at an Inner City baseball clinic.

-And, the more I think about Vic in center field, the more I grow fond of it. No doubt he has the speed, I guess I was all iffy cuz I like his arm in right, better. But I'd love to see him making some wall-climbing plays, as I'm sure he could and would. People love that A-Row threw his body around to catch anything that came his way? All I think about is that foul ball Shane went after against Houston, I believe in Houston, his whole body went into the stands, not just his upper half. Literally a Flyin' Hawaiian there.

Oh boy, David articles for me to rofl over!. All cropping up at once. Cuz of the GMEN! Bleh.
I love it. "I'M A GIANTS FAN BECAUSE MY DAD'S A REDSKINS FAN! :D" wtf IS WRONG WITH YOU? That's like when he was on ESPNews with Donovan McNabb: "Seeing how I spend my offseason in New York, I pay lots of attention to Donovan and the Eagles! (and here buy Vitamin Water! :9)" Er, okay? Aggggh he's such a damn train wreck. *scratches eyes out* But bahaha at the part about his "slimmed-down physique". No, Davey, no matter how "fit" you get, we'll always be able to tell you were once a chubbo.

But he's apparently not going to the Super Bowl, but, just heads up: !world? Yeah. He's goin'. Gee, absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it's in Arizona, is it?

Also, (AND I WAS WAITING FOR THIS) he's all, "NO DUKEY, STEROIDS ARE BAD! :(" I can actually hear him saying that. "DUKEY, NO! :(" Also, APB to David Wright: YOU ARE SO NAIVE! *pats him on the head and gives him a cookie for his sheer earnestness*
Karma's a bitch, isn't it, Lo Duca? Lo Duca is high on my list of "Ballplayers That Bug the Everloving Fuck Out of Me And Should Be Punched in Their Stupid Face." The fact that he's accused of 'roiding does not help his case to drop off that list any time in the foreseeable future.
/hypocritcally still loves Dykstra to death, but whatevs.

This is something I feel like I want to point out and commend:

I was reading Heath Ledger's obit in the paper, it was taken from the Chicago Tribune. And both the caption and obit said how Heath's role in Brokeback Mountain was that of a "bisexual farm hand". Not a "gay cowboy". Bisexual. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen his and Gyllenhaal's characters referred to as "bisexual", at least in your everyday media. Which, if you actually watch the movie, s'no doubt that at least Heath's character, Ennis, is. So props to you, Michael Phillips of the Tribune, for getting it right.

movies, okay stevie time to leavie, articles and other things meant to share, david wright: mets kiss-ass, teh phullies

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