Jan 15, 2008 01:57
I apologize to not replying to my supposedly interactive post from a couple days ago, but unfortunately I've had some really bad anxiety/obsessive problems involving work lately, so, that is to say, I've been preoccupied by something that would decidedly be a non-issue to any sane person. And I feel anxious now even telling you guys all this. Just a lot of frustrating things coincided with each other and seeing how some of my previous jobs have gone, I'm extremely paranoid and scared about my every move.
Oh and just FTR I wouldn't start a team with a pitcher but to each their own. I think it's because I don't fully subscribe to the fact that Pitching Wins Championships. That's such a sweeping generalization.
Is it wrong that I never really get into going to the Caravan things? Well, they come to Reading every year, and perhaps I'll feel differently when/if I get my license, about going. I don't know, I think if it were the Fanfest I'd feel differently. The FanFest is in Philly though so I never really think about it. Ha I'm so a product of living here sometimes. I know I love Philly but I'm all anti-going-into-Philly if something of equal or slightly lesser value is in Reading. Which doesn't make sense because Reading is like. Camden Junior. With a pagoda instead of an aquarium. But s'how it is.
So, shit, Johnny Podres. That is no good at all. My eyes were as wide as dinner plates when I read it on ESPN's bottom line. Seriously? I can't believe we've lost two such respected, important coaches (and men) from our organization in less than a year.
Annnnnd I need to be at work in less than four hours. Shiiit.
emo-y mcemoson,
things that are sad,
teh phullies,