Aight aight aight. I caved and made a GreatestJournal. Don't think I'll ever need it, but:
SAILING_MISHAP! Should I make an InsaneJournal too? Or um, should I have made it instead of the GJ? Help meeeeeeee. :(
So the problem with the Phillies is this: I hate them, then I figure out the perfect way for which to collectively beat the shit out of them, and then they go and do stuff like score five runs in the ninth, and all that. And Aaron Rowand is awesome. Le sigh.
And call me a traitor, I don't care, but Corey Hart's catch the night before, robbing Tad Iguchi?
> Aaron Rowand's catch. 'Cuz Hart made full use of his 6'6"-ness. And my jaw was on the floor. He took away a game-tying HR, and A-Row's catch, I'm not 100 percent sure that would've been out.
Tomorrow night is Fish vs. Phillies. VandenHurk vs. Moyer. Youngman bf vs. Oldman bf. I don't even know if I can watch. 'Cuz it's not that it's the Marlins, oh no. They're so. Ugh. But's Ricky. :( I don't wanna see him get lit up. I'd prefer if the Phillies beat around the PoS that is the Marlins bullpen. Y'know, walk-off or something.
Okay okay okay yay Tom Glavine there I said it. And I also wrote something last night whilst I watched the game. Noooo not fic. A letter to the aforementioned Glavdawg. I state I'm a Phillies fan in the beginning of the letter, hopefully he'll read the whole thing and see what I have to say, and not think I'm a wacko that's out to kill him. I basically said how, for this singular win, number 300, I shall be rooting for him. Then as a Phillies fan, go back to the booing and heckling, but as a baseball fan, I will always respect him, as a player and a person. Yeah stfu we all know I'm hiding the truth a tad, like he needs to know that. Like I said. Divulging I'm a wacko = not good, since I sent along a 1991 card, that I hope to get signed. :D I'M TOO NERVOUS! :(
But uh, as I do, I sifted ProSportsDaily and the Google News for Glavdawg-related articles. Found a few (along with other ramblings) in case anyone cares or whatever:
-There was
this one on Headline BAHAHAHAHA. Thank you Captain Obvious. But no, I got all atwitter becauuuuuse. They were/are so awesome, and I love/hate them for it.
-Then there's
this one, with pretty much everyone in every facet of his life giving him praise: family, current teammates, coaches, rivals, M&S...
-And finally, there was
this one, pretty much an article about BFF Smoltz gushing over Tom. Ew. However, the reason I link it is because it is kinda, well. Cute. In that BFF sort of way, y'know? And of course, what's BFF-ier than telling an embarrassing story? :D
"[...]And then off the field, we have so many golf memories, but the one that takes the cake is his home course, par five and walking across what was a little stone wall across the creek. And the next thing I hear is this tremendous splash.
"Obviously I jerked my head around and I see one club up in the air above the water and he's totally submerged. He's gone in with two clubs and he came out with one. And he's soaking wet. We're all laughing [a ton]. And he comes out . . . walks across the fairway, changes clothes, hits the shot like nothing ever happened. And I couldn't get that sound out of my head every time I went to go swing. I heard that splash and it was absolutely hilarious. He did lose a club out of it, though.[...]"
See I uh. Oh gosh they're cute, why are they cute? :( *beats head with brick*
-Also, tried and sorta failed finding out which ex-Braves teammates were all there. Apparently some guys from the staff (trainer and...someone else), and former teammate Pete Smith (I know who this is, solely based on researchin'. Doubt if any of you remember him, as he was oft-injured), who played against Tom in high school, and later with him in Atlanta. But that's it. A-grrr.
-Finally, I need to go watch his PC over and time how long it took until someone asked about Maddux. (Someone did) 'Cuz ahaha. I'm so amused. SO AMUSED. dsjfkldsj okay I'm done
-Yesterday/last night was Jimmy Stewart day on TCM and I was happily surprised to find out that Come Live With Me was on at 4:30 in the morning, right when I'm awake. It's such a light movie, but God is it cute. I wish I could find it on DVD or VHS somewhere because I really would watch it over and over.
-There is no NL East action tonight, save for the Nats. And I don't think anyone cares about them except
acroarcs and demented Phillies fans who want John Lannan's head on a stake.
This is interesting. Dugout cams during the playoffs? Wow for once I can not hate on TBS baseballs. Of course we get the wonderful Braves announcers (they are somewhere on the hate-o-meter between Braves "fans" and the Braves themselves), as expected, but huh, I wonder what it'd be like if they were to be involved in not-Braves games. Haha, that should prove interesting....