A lot of wild stuff goin' on with baseball, but in light of the tragedy with the Cardinals, a few good things should be noted:
Such as, Jamie Moyer makes me so flaily. ♥
Of course, I was at work, and didn't get home until the exact moment that Myers entered the game.
But. I mean. Aghjfk;sdjf;ldksj! I love Jamie Moyer. And this is after only personally hearing his last 1/3 of an inning. Of course the one day so far that work seems to go fast, it didn't go fast enough, in real time. But it is possible I would have reached near-spontaneous combustion if I'd listened to his no-hit bid from the get-go. So, bright side?
Okay, so speaking of Jamie Moyer, he went to school with my friend Jill's husband, Fred. And they (Jill & Fred) happened to catch up him in Spring Training this year, in Clearwater.
Jamie's a few years older, a few grades ahead of Fred. But they did play ball together in high school, and, I guess Fred's nickname on the team was "Big Fred."
Anyway, the first day that they went to the ST facility, Jamie was signing. Jill's friend kept nudging her to tell Jamie that Fred was her husband, but Jill was completely embarassed and refused.
The second day, Fred came along early with Jill and her friend, and, he must've gone to get food or something when Jamie came around to sign that day. But after all the goading from her friend, Jill told Jamie that Fred was her husband. And she was about to say, "You know, 'Big Fred'" but Jamie interjects, "Oh! You mean 'Big Fred'?! Where is he? :D" and starts looking around to see if Fred's there.
Jill's about to crawl in a hole and die.
Jamie pitched that game, and once between innings when he was walking back to the dugout, Jill waved her arms trying to get his attention, like, "Hey Jamie! Fred! Fred! *motioning toward Fred*"
And Jamie points up at Fred all :D!
lol ballplayers. Yes, I know, how scintillating, but I enjoyed hearing about it, so. It made me smile, at the very least.
It's so weird. Obviously I don't follow and know about every baseball player out there, but it's still. A person, someone who is part of the game that is my life. So it stings, regardless.
Haha oh, and. I can't resist it. Is your game MVP like Steve Nash? Hearing the LA crowd chanting "MVP! MVP!" for Kobe, but while the camera was on Stevie made me so. happy. So did 23 assists, obv. LOL I didn't even know the game was on until it was the fourth quarter. I suck at being a basketball fan.
At least tomorrow night, the Jazz are on at 8, so I'll FINALLY get to watch them in full.