Voodoo? IS IT VOODOO????!!!

Feb 13, 2007 06:36

-I finally have a new mood theme. Of TEEN GIRL SQUAD! Teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 19!

-Speaking of. I've been thinking more and more about changing my username. Except I am wayyyy attached to this one. However, I've narrowed it down to a few candidates, all Teen Girl Squad references. They are:

coughiversary (probably my favorite)
bgrl_prty (my second favorite)

The one I really wanted, sailing_mishap, is already taken. >:[

Anyway. Should I just keep phantom_hpuff? Or do any of those strike anybody?

-Happppppy birthday to lovingthecubs!!! If you'd like a present, I could try and draw something for you. I have been drawing a hell of a lot lately. But I can't promise anything. Just ask ayrdaomei. :P

-And dude. Dude. The Dugout did an episode (what do we call them, exactly?) on Jim freaking Eisenreich. Oh man, certainly one of my favorite Phillies when I was growing up. He was my mom's favorite too. Also, she was always like, "His wife's name's LeeAnn? ISN'T THAT NEAT?" Um. Sure? Whatever you say, Mom.

-My dad ordered some DVDs, maybe we'll watch them if we're snowed in tonight. Over the Hedge and Open Season. And, um, RV which I don't really want to watch but my mom ♥ Robin Williams, so that's probably why we own it


Also. I have been writing a lot, as I said. And just to PROVE it:

Ryan stared down into his drink and swished it around a little, wondering if his parents had woken up and, if they did, if David would even care, in all the trauma of his quarter-life crisis. He thought, no, probably; David's mind was pretty black-and-white. No grey matter there at all.

Pairing is obvious ^

And fuck, you didn't realize what he'd had in his hand. You thought maybe it was a candy bar, (stupid fucking six-in-the-morning candy bar), or puzzle book (when he never even finishes crosswords anyway) or something, just not some cheesy baby bib with the Liberty Bell screen-printed on it. For his kid, his kid.
Not only did you do the worst thing you could possibly do (after you swore on your life that you wouldn't), you did it at the worst possible time.

Pairing is...notso-obvious.

Danny felt himself yanked hard towards Win, and blinked in surprise. He was being kissed, and being kissed quite good. So he let himself kiss back.

It was like brandy, stinging and dry and delicious and filling his whole body warm from the tip of his hair to the tip of his toes, just how Danny had imagined kissing Win to be like. Only a thousand times better.

lol that's the OCs I mentioned a few entries ago, which no one cares about, but I kinda liked that part plus they're adorable and squishy and I wish I had a scanner so I could show off my drawrings of them. Because boys kissing is always a good thing, no matter if you are familiar with them or not.
But I bet a certain someone is like *scribbles out Win's name and writes in ZITO in big red pen and CLINGS TO HOPE*

Although I don't know why Zito would ever drink brandy, but okay.

Obv. none of this is absolutely final, and I'll fine-tune it before (if) I ever put it up anywhere


sip bacardi like it's your birfday, questions for the flist, randomosity, fictalk

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