Aw, here it goes.

Sep 09, 2006 14:31

Okay so I caved and have a MySpace. I probably won't really use it for anything. I'm not even gonna bother with a background or anything. But thanks to MySpace I found out that the All-American Rejects are playing in Lowell, MA on Nov. 1, which is right when I planned to go _squeee again. So now the tickets are purchased. Other things we plan on doing is going to a Worcester Sharks game, and celebrating the J's birthday by buying a cake and eating it ourselves, ala David.
But I still have to wait to hear from Wal-mart or wherever.

So yeah, I called Wal-mart again, inquiring as to why they're dickfaces (although not in that word). I guess, they only pull 20 names at a time (a week) to set up for interviews and training and all that shit. So the lady said that if they did reference checks on me, and hadn't called this week, that they would probably call next week, between Monday and Wednesday.
I still need to figure out why they said they didn't have me under stocking/inventory, when that is what they FUCKING ADVERTISED for on the door. Why I signed up, and CHECKED OFF. Overnights/inventory. Something about, if I were to do inventory, I wouldn't have enough hours? Well wtf I put down 10 PM - 8AM or some shit. Whaaaaaaaat.

I just need moneys though. :(

PSU game at 3:30, against ND. When I was younger, since ND was on CBS, they were one of the teams I was most familiar with, besides State. And because I was so into baseball, where every team plays each other, I would keep asking my dad, WHEN'S PENN STATE GONNA PLAY NOTRE DAME!? and he kept trying to explain to me that they weren't in the same conference and I did not understand.

But they play 'em today and next year. I got this mini schedule at the bank when I deposited my paycheck. It has Posluszny on the front, the 06 and 07 dates inside. Anyway. I'd love to go to a PSU game sometime.

Kay, so, Phillies/Marlins on UPN @ 6. Don't wanna talk about it, not gonna talk about it. :\

NBA camps start in less than a month. :) So um, yeah, just wanted to say that so I could make a connection to my AWESOME NEW ICON AHHH *flails*

randomosity, endeavoring, go state!, real life

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