So this is how the working man must feel...

Jun 28, 2007 18:43

Today has been a mildly productive day. I spoke to my dissertation supervisor and sorted some stuff out. By next week I should have a couple of thousand words to hand in. I think I'm going to enjoy that.

I went to Tescos and did a bit of shopping. Insert suitably ironic statement of how my life is full of excitement, thrills and wonder only not
Though, I kind of hate Tescos. I find it cheerless. I don't know why Sainsbury's or Asda or Waitrose should be any different, they're built on practically the same lines. Just...don't like Tescos. Anyway, at least I washed my hair, got out of the house and did something useful today.

I'm looking forward to shopping with Eeshy tomorrow :) And then lunch at fish!. The exclamation mark is theirs not mine. I love Borough and its market, and am secretly pleased that I will get to eat good food. I'm a secret foodie you see, shh. I do like nice restaurants, and nice food, but don't get the chance to eat out much (no money, no time, laziness, no money). 
And then the weekend is filled with lots of Eeshy-and-Aaron-and-Bella-and-Darcy-Spaldingy-Londony goodness.

Sour note: I googled the author Ursula Le Guin (who I'm planning to reference in my dissertation), and the third hit (the third!) linked to this horrible, horrible website, which seems to consist of neo-nazis and holocaust deniers who think the white race is under attack by brown people (they have a 'problem' with the fact that her characters are mostly non-white, only they don't express it so politely). Really appalling stuff. What's worse is the fact that kids googling her name for school book reviews could read such horribleness. Sigh. Obviously I felt the need to share my pain with the rest of you.

Also Neil Gaiman's Sandman series is as good as they say it is. But now I have the first two volumes, I want the next eight.

And there it is. The final transition from mildly nerdy to uber-geek comes in the form of the comic book.
Here's where I also mention that I got the first three Buffy Season 8 comics from Forbidden Planet the other day (listen, it's written as if it was literally season eight of Buffy, and y'all loved Buffy right? Only it's not got any sfx budget, i.e. potential to do whatever the hell they want. And Joss Whedon wrote it. So we're agreed on its potential awesomeness? Good because it IS awesome.)


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