Nov 07, 2003 16:05
and the days flush threw the filter i am.
it's happening again. my skins burning. my hearts pounding. and the tears are swelling up. i hate this. i thought it was over. i thought i freed myself. thought i had fucking grown up. but words hurt more than anything.
i'm sweating too
and shaking a bit.
i always over react. but there must be a reason. some deep rooted seed that feeds this. it's horrible. it controls me.
no matter how many liberating speechs or thoughts i have. i'm always a slave. AND IT DOES FUCKING GET TO ME.
i hope it's not always like this.
i don't give a fuck anymore. i don't want to feel. i'm too tired. i don't care if people walk on me. i'm too fucking tired to fight. fuck all of this. everything is futile now. and i don't care. and i am selfish. i just want my rest.
some random moments i look around and think about how much i want my B there. it's those moments i miss her most. and i've been doing it alot lately.
of course it's cold and cloudy
oooooh...but i'm so tragic. what burns most is the fact that the past is there and i can't change it. but i watched it play out. the most alert spectator. because i had nothing else to do. and i heard the tales. and felt the screams of loss. and I CAN'T FUCKING HANDLE IT.
even if he says it's ok. it won't be. because sooner or later it will be said again and this will be triggered. and i'll end up shaking again.
i can't believe. and i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it.
no one's fault. no one to blame for the burning.