Jun 03, 2004 18:33
This made me giggle.
Gay Watch
February, 2004-?
"[Christ Would] Never Stop Throwing Up" Over
"The Bushes' willingness to stir up base instincts"
Bush is whipping up intolerance but calling it a sacred cause.
At first, the preacher-in-chief resisted conservative calls for a constitutional ban on gay marriage. He felt, as Jesus put it in the Gibson script (otherwise known as the Gospels), "If it is possible, let this chalice pass from me."
But under pressure from the Christian right, he grabbed the chalice with both hands and swigged Ñ seeking to set a precedent in codifying discrimination in the Constitution, a document that in the past has been amended to correct discrimination by giving fuller citizenship rights to blacks, women and young people.
If the president is truly concerned about preserving the sanctity of marriage, as one of my readers suggested, why not make divorce illegal and stone adulterers?
Our soldiers are being killed in Iraq; Osama's still on the loose; jobs are being exported all over the world; the deficit has reached biblical proportions.
And our president is worrying about Mars and marriage?
When reporters tried to pin down White House spokesman Scott McClellan yesterday on why gay marriage is threatening, he spouted a bunch of gobbledygook about "the fabric of society" and civilization.
The pols keep arguing that institutions can't be changed when, in fact, they change all the time. Haven't they ever heard of the institution of slavery?
The government should not be trying to legislate what's sacred.
When Bushes get in trouble, they look around for a politically advantageous bogeyman. Lee Atwater tried to make Americans shudder over the prospect of Willie Horton arriving on their doorstep; and now Karl Rove wants Americans to shudder at the prospect of a lesbian Ñ Dick Cheney's daughter Mary, say Ñ setting up housekeeping next door with her "wife."
When it comes to the Bushes' willingness to stir up base instincts of the base, it is as it was.
As the Max von Sydow character said in Woody Allen's "Hannah and Her Sisters," while watching a TV evangelist appealing for money: "If Jesus came back and saw what's going on in his name, he'd never stop throwing up. --Maureen Dowd, 02.26.04