Oct 23, 2004 22:56
sooo i went to go see jhon kerry today hes a very powerful speaker, my moms not mad at me anymore...but im still grounded and kicked out of the house for the weekend. i felt like a hippie today, no not just saying that randomly.....on the way to kerrys rally i had to walk down this really long road to the field of dreams.(sounds kinda out there already huh?)i like walked through a cotton field and this other green field, i dunno i just felt at one with nature and the universe it was freaky....there were people protesting there that supported bush. it was funny one group of them was actually mocking bush. they had signs that said bilionares for bush and dressed up kind of like the little dude from the game monopoly. hehe...i realized something about el paso today too. its not beautiful. i mean you know exactly once your out of the city because you begin to see trees,or the desert, but not the dirt and rocks that is el paso, but like this vast desert that just looks beautiful. i dont know mabey its becuse i hate el paso so much that i notice the beauty every where else. i only like el paso when i listen to a certain song by sparta catarac(sp?) i dont know its something about looking around in the vacancy when i hear that song that makes it all so suddenly....home....i dont want el paso to be my home anymore though. i want to get out....one day i will get out of here.