
Jul 04, 2005 12:50

One of the stray cats in my area has been very pregnant lately and Holly and I have been trying to find a shelter that would take her in. We arranged to pick her up Sunday evening, take her to my parent's house then take her to the no-kill shelter their next open day, Tuesday morning. When I went to work on Sunday at 8am, knowing that we have not seen her in a day or so, I worried the more I did not see her. When I came home between jobs, again, no sight worried me. I looked for her when I got home; no sign. I walked to the store and bought one tin of tuna hoping the juice would attract her or maybe even remind her of the few times I gave it to her in the morning. After an hour waiting I decided to look a little more. I found her and her six kittens underneath the deck of my neighbor's. She crouched over her litter in the tight space and I panicked; I planned on taking her pregnant, when she might be more passive. I was not thinking, just reacting and I grabbed all six kittens and boxed them. She let me take them easily, but soon left and for hours danced around with me.

Three hours later, Holly showed up to help. We left the kittens outside, checking on them periodically, hoping that she would just take them back. She would smell them, leave, smell them, leave, all while giving us bad looks. When we returned to the deck we found her underneath the deck, alone. I was already upset, afraid that I was responsible for her apparent abandoning. But the kittens went straight for feeding and she nursed them until the morning, when Holly and I agreed to try again. This time she bit me quite terribly and ran off. I placed the kittens back under the deck and she soon returned to care for them. We thought it through and figured as long as she has water, food and shade, they will all do fine. I plan no to call on Tuesday and let the shelter know they no longer need to expect me, but also to see what they want to do, of course.

I am dealing with this all, but I am not very happy with the way I reacted. I still hope it works out.
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