LOG: Shiraishi-Echizen.

Jan 13, 2007 05:05

PRIVATE LOG: Shiraishi-Echizen. G. You didn't see or know about this unless you're Chitose and psychic.

Shiraishi: *sitting in the middle of the court, back against the net, eyes closed, having adopted a meditative lotus-position*

Echizen: *walks up and swiftly snags Shiraishi's tennis bag from the ground and starts to leave again without it* C'mon. Not here.

Shiraishi: *points an authoritive finger without opening his eyes* Don't do that.

Echizen: Why? You do it. *ignores said 'authoritive finger' - maybe if it was Tezuka...*

Shiraishi: I'm your senpai and I can hold your bag out of reach, whereas I'd barely have to wrestle you for mine. *cracks an eye open* Unless you'd like me to.

Echizen: *makes a noise* You're not my senpai. Just come on. I don't wanna do it out here.

Shiraishi: *relaxes and looks at Echizen properly* Your place?

Echizen: No, that's outside too. *is confused* An INDOOR court, genius.

Shiraishi: Why?

Echizen: It might snow or rain or a tsunami might hit or something. I want to finish the damn game for once. *is leaving the courts already* No excuse to see you ever again after that.

Shiraishi: *stands and trails after him* I thought you lived for tennis.

Echizen: Tch. Not with you.

Shiraishi: You haven't had me. How's Atobe these days?

Echizen: *assumes that he is talking about tennis* I will. *crosses the street to a nearby indoor tennis facility* He's good. Real good.

Shiraishi: *spins around a traffic light and continues to trail behind Echizen* And how are you?

Echizen: *rolls his eyes* Fine. Except I'm with you right now, so not as fine as I'd be normally.

Shiraishi: Is that by default or special treatment?

Echizen: ... *frowns* Default. Probably.

Shiraishi: Do you want to get some ramen? I'm starving.

Echizen: ...what? *might be a little hungry too but who cares there's tennis* No. What about tennis?

Shiraishi: *points along the street* Ramen stands, and they waft ricey goodness.

Echizen: They can waft all they want - I came here for tennis, not a stupid date.

Shiraishi: You think getting food would make this a date? We got food last time.

Echizen: That was probably a date too. But only kind of. I was cold. And you dragged me, practically. *huffs and sighs*

Shiraishi: You're upfront, how refreshing. *walks quickly and takes Echizen's wrist, dragging him to the nearest ramen stand and plonking him down on the bench* Two plates, please.

Echizen: *is tempted to bolt and run, but instead glares* ...I had your bag.

Echizen: ...Still do. I am leaving. *moves to get up*

Shiraishi: *pushes down on Echizen's hat to seat him* I'll pay.

Echizen: ... *sulks* You'd better. I don't even want to BE here.

Shiraishi: You're so testy. *plates are slid discreetly in front of them* Mmm. This is a long way to come for just a tennis match, you know. Prefectures have different ramen flavours and I've been wanting to try out Tokyo's.

Echizen: Yeah. Well. Go shopping too or something. It was your idea anyway. *picks up chop sticks and pick at some of the veggies in the ramen*

Shiraishi: Do you want to turn pro?

Echizen: *shrugs* Dunno.

Shiraishi: *looks at Echizen*

Shiraishi: *jabs him with a chopstick* You're slacking.

Echizen: Just because I don't know what I want to do with my life at age 13? Che. Which one of us was at the US Open again?

Shiraishi: *lowers chopstick* Kintarou doesn't argue.

Echizen: Well isn't he the perfect little ray of sunshine.

Shiraishi: He is. *smiles* Are you jealous?

Echizen: No.

Shiraishi: *pops a loaded chopstick of rice into his mouth and winks*

Echizen: *is beginning to loathe the process of winking* Whatever. *starts to eat in earnest*

Shiraishi: You'll get indigestion.

Echizen: For eating? *gives him a look*

Shiraishi: Too fast. *plucks Echizen's chopsticks away and scoops a neat parcel of rice, holding it up slowly*

Echizen: I wasn't eating too fast. Give me those back.

Shiraishi: *waggles it* Have a taste,

Echizen: ... *stares at it* No. That's... no.

Shiraishi: I know you like it, you've been eating it. Don't you want a growth spurt?

Echizen: I can feed myself. Give me the damn chopsticks back.

Shiraishi: You need to eat leisurely, enjoy it. *turns chopsticks around and eats the rice instead*

Echizen: ... *grabs Shiraishi's chopsticks from his bowl* Kind of hard when I've got idiots stealing my utensils.

Echizen: *eats with them*

Shiraishi: You and Kintarou should play informal matches.

Echizen: Hn. *wouldn't mind this but isn't about to tell him that*

Shiraishi: I'd watch and it'd be brilliant. Chitose would come too.

Echizen: ... *begins to think he WOULD mind* No thanks.

Shiraishi: Are you having regular practices?

Echizen: Not at school so much since the season's over. But yes.

Shiraishi: Do you play Fuji Syuusuke?

Echizen: *shrugs*

Shiraishi: *finishes plate and hands money over to the stand-owner* You can tell him to keep working on the fundamentals.

Echizen: *glares* He doesn't need to. You tell him that next time you play and see how he likes it. I hope he kicks your ass.

Shiraishi: He tried to before.

Shiraishi: *takes change and cups chin in hand, watching*

Echizen: It was a good effort. It was luck that you won when you did. If he'd found his fire just a little earlier...

Echizen: *stands up* Are we going to actually play now?

Shiraishi: Are you saying your teammate was too slow to act?

Echizen: We all have our own pace.

Shiraishi: *stands up* Tennis isn't about pace.

Echizen: What are you talking about? Finding a pace, matching and outdoing your opponents... it's not everything but it's definitely something.

Shiraishi: I'll listen to you when you beat me.

Echizen: *leaves the ramen shop and heads to the tennis facility for real now* Fair enough.

Shiraishi: We've eaten now.

Echizen: Gee have we? I hadn't noticed.

Shiraishi: Playing straight after wouldn't work.

Echizen: ...you're a bastard. It's not like we ate a lot.

Shiraishi: I wouldn't want you to get a stitch and blame your loss on that.

Echizen: Screw you.

Shiraishi: *steps forward* You've a lot of negative vibes.

Echizen: What can I say, you bring it out in me. *steps back*

Shiraishi: *steps in again and starts plucking a hand over Echizen's head* I'll clear your aura.

Echizen: *makes a face* No, you'll allow me my personal space. *ducks away*

Shiraishi: You'll suffer with your own strangling pessimism.

Echizen: If you're so concerned about my suffering, SHUT UP.

Shiraishi: *walks to a verge of grass next to the road, picks up a flower and threads it into Echizen's hair*

Shiraishi: *stands back and admires*

Echizen: ... *wonders at the sheer madness that is life before tugging the flower out and examining it* There could be bugs on it.

Shiraishi: Aphids?

Echizen: Bugs. *holds it up to his face, looking*

Shiraishi: Pessimist. It's a flower.

Echizen: ...I know. Which is why I'm not throwing it away.

Shiraishi: *whips it out of his fingers again before he's ready, and slides it behind Echizen's ear*

Shiraishi: You should walk about like that.

Echizen: *sighs* Will you stop that? *pulls it off again and instead puts it in his shirt breast pocket*

Shiraishi: We should do something to cure your pessimism.

Echizen: WE don't have to do anything. YOU can help by not talking, but I already said that and then you gave me a FLOWER. *may be getting a little panicked >.>*

Shiraishi: *Stops a random guy on the street* Hey, see this boy? Would you say he looks happy with his lot? Content with the world? Satisfied with life?

GUY: Uh....

Echizen: *glares*

Shiraishi: Because he's only recently thirteen and he acts like he's ninety and never been laid in his LIFE. *pats the guy sadly on the shoulder* It's a tragedy. What would you suggest?

GUY: Uh...

Echizen: I -- what?!

Shiraishi: *looks at guy* You act like you've never been laid in your life either. On your way. *smacks the guy's ass*

Shiraishi: *takes Echizen's wrist and marches him off into Tokyo* Come on.

Echizen: o.O

Echizen: What about TENNIS?

Shiraishi: Tennis tennis tennis. I'm the BIBLE of tennis and I don't preach it as much as you.

Shiraishi: *reaches pet shop and hauls Echizen inside, winking at the women on the cash till*

Echizen: ... *tries to pull away but can't* What are we do--... a pet shop?

Shiraishi: *lets go* You have a cat.

Echizen: ...yes. *tries not to LOOK for the cats because that would mean disaster*

Shiraishi: *already there* Kittens.

Echizen: *tries to avert eyes, can't, closes them, peaks...* ... *makes a shaky little noise when he sees them*

Shiraishi: *cooing over the fluffballs of cute, then notices Echizen and smiles*

Echizen: *takes a deep breath and tries not to go any closer to the cute cute kitties*

Shiraishi: *leans over pen wall and reaches down to stroke one* They're all cute, but I like the black and white ones.

Echizen: *bites lip, shuffles a little closer and mumbles* I like this one. *points to a fluffy white persian*

Echizen: *holds a finger up for it to sniff*

Shiraishi: *looks at Echizen for a minute, then turns and calls over an assistant*

Shiraishi: *assistant fusses and picks up kitten, handing it over toward Echizen*

Echizen: o_o ...hi. *can't help smiling because she's rubbing her head on his chin*

Assistant: Awww.

Shiraishi: *leans against pen and watches, smiling* Yeah.

Shiraishi: I think I'll take that one.

Echizen: You... what? *blinks* I thought you liked the black and white ones? You're getting a cat?

Shiraishi: *carefully extracts kitten from Echizen and holds it up, peering at it* I said I wanted a kitten.

Echizen: Yeah, but this is... random...

Shiraishi: *sends assistant away for a pet carrier and essentials* You like this one and you know about cats. *cradles it and ruffles Echizen's hair* I'll trust your judgement.

Echizen: ...oh. Well. Whatever. And don't touch me.

Shiraishi: *drops hand as assistant comes back with carrier* Here- *holds kitten out* You put him in there.

Echizen: Cats hate carriers. And it's a she.

Assistant: *beams* It is!

Echizen: ...but fine. *takes the kitten, whispering that it's all right and that Shiraishi will probably take care of her (possibly) and places her in the carrier* There you go.

Shiraishi: *takes carrier and looks inside at the kitten, then goes to the counter and pays for everything, still distracted with staring at the kitten* *goes outside and sits on a bench, putting the carrier beside him*

Shiraishi: *leans back* I look so mature. They thought I was 18.

Echizen: ... *is still inside and sighs, looking at the remaining cats* Don't worry. Someone will take you guys too. Probably best it's not him, anyway, even if I told your friend she'd be all right. ...bye.

Echizen: *goes out and gives Shiraishi back his bag* Are we done? Or is there still going to be tennis?

Shiraishi: We ate. And I've got a cat.

Echizen: Fine. This was the worst excuse for a tennis match ever.

Shiraishi: *unwraps end of bandaged arm and sticks it through the bars of the carrier, teasing the kitten* Or the best excuse.

Echizen: Maybe for you. You got a cat. *rolls eyes*

Shiraishi: I did. I like her. *glances up* Your choice. Thank you. When do you want to reschedule the tennis?

Echizen: ...yeah. Whatever. *sighs and crosses his arms* I don't know. Whenever.

Shiraishi: I'll harass you online for a torrid session.

Echizen: Don't use that word. It makes me want to throw up. And don't harass, either!

Shiraishi: You're adorable when you see kittens.

Echizen: ... tch. *turns red and looks away* Shut up.

Shiraishi: *stands and holds out cat carrier* Say goodbye.

Echizen: *blinks* I wonder if this isn't some thinly disguised way of yours for making me show affection for YOU indirectly by using your cat.

Shiraishi: *laughs* You're fun.

Echizen: *in the end can't help it* ...bye. *scratches the cat's ears* What're you naming her?

Shiraishi: Kioko.

Echizen: Hm.

Shiraishi: It means a child who meets the world happily. *holds the carrier up again*

Echizen: ...how ironic.

Shiraishi: Be happy for Kioko, Echizen.

Echizen: I... I guess.

Echizen: *hesitates* ... 'bye, then. 'Bye... Kioko.

Shiraishi: *smiles and lowers carrier*

Shiraishi: *steps forward and ruffles Echizen's hair again* See you online for hot and nasty stuff.

Echizen: *will definitely wash his hair when he gets home >:\* Yeah, except not. Have fun wandering around Tokyo, and don't get hit by any buses today either.

Shiraishi: I've the fundamentals of road-crossing mastered, don't fret your pretty head.

Echizen: I was hardly fretting. Get lost, then. *scowls and starts walking home*

Shiraishi: *calls* I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go.

Echizen: *scowls at the sidewalk and briefly considers walking backwards*

Shiraishi: *grins and goes on his way with the kitten*

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