I haven't really been on lj in a long time but for anyone who still reads this:
this is my last entry
my life hasn't been very good lately.
I spent two months in europe, which sounds nice, but it's hard to relax when you're lonely
the month of march was a month of my life spent in limbo.
now I am alone in Vermont. None of my friends are around and most are on the west coast making money.
I have no plans, I don't know what to do with my life, I'm stuck here to look for a job I don't want
to pay for a car I don't want. I just want to go back to school.
My parents' health is failing rapidly.
My dad has atrial fibrulations (sp?) which means his heart beats very irregularly.
He has to take small doses of rat poison to thin his blood so he doesn't get a clot and have a stroke.
I don't know what I'd do if something happened to my parents. It makes me cry to think about it.
I miss my brother and sister and my sister's husband.
I miss all of you.
2005 was the happiest year of my life, and it's come to a screeching halt.
This might sound lame, but for the first time in my life: I'm scared.
I won't be on livejournal anymore.
I can be reached via Aim, email, or myspace even.
http://myspace.com/blackcolossus best wishes,
Christopher McMurtry