New Layout and Userinfo/Shows/Meme

Apr 22, 2007 13:41

New Layout and userinfo!

Layout: Nico/Sister Grimm from Runaways



Lyrics: Five for Fighting

Userinfo: Villetta from Code Geass

Image: taken by me

Also, I got invited to a Sweet Sixteen this friday. Guess what we're doing? We're going to an MCR concert (that Muse is starting for!!) and we have Meet and Greet tickets. OMG MEETING MUSE!!!*spazz*

Too bad my mom has to think about it. Eugh.

Oh, and if you don't watch L&O: SVU already than start. I've been going through the seasons watching all the unwatched episodes and just watched the end of season 7- which I hadn't seen yet, oddly enough- and therefore I saw the beginnings of the Stabler/Benson fight which carries on into the next season. When Stabler is in confession talking baout how he is losing sad ;_; God, I love this show.

After reading
sinspire's LJ, I started watching Romeo and Juliet. Initially, didn't like the story changes. I mean, pegasus? But it's growing on me. And, there are only two episodes so far, so there is no soul sellage involved.

Snagged from


(contains some spoilers for CG, House

Six Ships I Love
1) Zuko/Katara (ATLA)
2) Stabler/Benson (SVU)
3) Chase/Cameron (House)
4) Kyoya/Haruhi/Tamaki (Ouran)
5) Kakashi/Sakura (Naruto)
6) Suzaku/Euphemia (Code Geass)

Three Ships I Liked, But Don't Anymore
7) Sasuke/Sakura (Naruto)
8) Ed/Winry (FMA)
9) Fai/Sakura (TRC)

Three Ships I Don't Like
10) Aang/Anyone (ATLA)
11) Wilson/House (House)
12) Jin/Zuko (ATLA)

Two Ships I Am Curious About, But Don't Actually Ship
13) Jet/Azula (ATLA)
14) House/Cuddy (House)

1.) Why do you dislike #11 so much? (Wilson/House)
A lot of people ship it purely because it is crack/slash, not because they actually like it. I suppose it is more the faction of the fandom that ships it that bugs me- it just seems silly to ship something because they think it is cool for some reason.

2.) Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Jet/Azula)

helium_lost is the first one that comes to mind, but I know I was PMming someone on DH who liked it a lot. Can't remember who.

3.) What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 ? (Chase/Cameron)
Well, the that scenario came and went. I loved when they were together and have faith they'll get back together. My ideal scenario would be when Chase said "I want more" Cameron would have said "Me too" *commence sex* instead of her being......heartless and lying. Because it is a lie. It has to be.

4.) Which is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one. (Zuko/Katara)

Not an episode. Everyone recall that puzzle thing in the magazine that said Zuko and Katara would get together? Yeah. LOVED IT.

5.) How long have you been following couple #6? (Suzaku/Euphemia)
Since they've met. Only after her death did the ship really appeal to me. That scene where she is dying and Suzaku is lying to her to make her happy.....heartbreaking. And ship inspiring......Odd.

6.) What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Ed/Winry)

I grew a brain and realized she was annoying?

7.) Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Stabler/Benson or Kyoya/Haruhi/Tamaki)

Kind of hard to choose. The chemistry is so different. However, going to have to choose Benson/Stabler. Their relationship has had 8 season to grow and develop (and needs to happen). Haruhi will always have the Host Club, and while I like the ship, I'd settle for just that.

8.) You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Aang/Anyone or Jin/Zuko)


9.) What interests you about #14? (House/Cuddy)
First, I need some clarification- I haven't watched all the House episodes yet. Did they ever sleep together? If they did, this just might turn into my new favorite ship. If not, I'm still curious about it. They just seem right for each other. His sarcasm and her bossiness.


10.) When did you stop liking #7? (Sasuke/Sakura)

When I started disliking Sasuke. I started disliking him when he wen to Orochimaru. It was then that I read a kaka/saku fic (The Nature of the Game) and then another (Path of Thorns) and they have me sold.

11.) Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Fai/Sakura)

No. This ship actually never happened. The recent, more sucky chapters have hinted at it, bu the ship was only a thought of mine a month or two ago.

12.) What's a song that reminds you of #5? (Kakashi/Sakura)

Hmm......Maybe "Starlight" by Muse?

13.) Which of these ships do you love the most?

What kinof question is that? I can't choose. Don't be ridiculous. That like asking a girl if she prefers Bard Pitt......or Brad Pitt.

14.) Which do you dislike the most?

(See Answer for #8)

15.) If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)

Odd question. Maybe Stbaler/Benson and Kakashi/Sakura? They could combine their colossal amounts of badass and go save the world, or New York City and the Leaf Village, from Orochimaru and all the sexual offenders that ever were.

16.) Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Stabler/Benson)

I actually haven't seen all the episodes, so I don't know. I don't think so. But, I did see a picture of a kiss once. So, I shall retain hope.

But he kissed that annyoing Dani >_<

17.) Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Kyoya/Haruhi/Tamaki)

2/3 of the relationship did. Does that count?

18.) What would make you start shipping #14? (House/Cuddy)

if I find out that they have slept together AND/OR if the next episode's date is awesome.

19.) If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Stabler/Benson and Suzaku/Euphie)

Suzaku/Euphie is already canon, but I'd choose Stbaler/Benson any day. My love for SVU outweighs my love for CG by far.

20.) You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Aang/anyone)

He'd go save the world, then somehow procreate to save the Air Nomads. No idea how. But he'd do it.

userinfo, cg, layout, meme, svu

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