Stolen from
importA - age of first kiss: 14. Two day camp boyfriends are quite excellent.
B - Band listening to right now: Michael Kramer (He's a senior at my school who is amazingly gifted at guitar.)
C - Crush: Taisto. He's 35. It won't work out. Not to mention, he is my history teacher and basketball coach. Something is wrong with me.
D - Dad's name: Anthony
E - Easiest person to talk to: Yamsin. Twin sister <3
F - Favorite bands at the moment: The Shins, Bjork, Zero 7, Frou Frou
G - Gummy worms or gummy bears?: Worms. I am a sucker for the sugar
H - Hometown: New Orleans LA is where I born, I currently reside in Silver Spring ^_^
I - Instruments: All in my head~~I was never one for instruments. I liked the flute, but my teacher was a harpy
J- Junior High: Popular crowd. With plenty of closet obsessions.
K - Kids: Haven't really thought about it
L - Longest car trip: Vermont>>Florida= LONG ASS HAUL
M - Mom's name: Pamela
O - One wish: Historical recognition
P - Phobias: Mediocrity, rejection, cages
Q - Quote: See my userinfo
R - Reasons to smile: Why wouldn't you?
S - Song you sang last: Deep River
T - Time you woke up [today]: 6:11 AM
U - Unknown fact about me: I'm really into Eastern Medicine, and shun the ideology of Western Medicine
V - Vegetable you hate: Mushrooms
W - Worst habit(s): Bouncy Leg. So powerful, it bounces the table
X - X-rays you've had: Wristsx4, anklesx7, kneex2, jawx1, footx2 (I get injured a lot)
Y - Yummy food: Crusty toasted bread with mayo and tomato and a sprinkle of salt and pepper
Z- Zodiac sign: Libra
Hmm. I'm thinking about dropping out of all my LIMS competitions. I find it so hard to sit indoors when the weather is getting so nice. THAT, AND IN TWO WEEKS I'M BACK IN SPORTS. NO MORE "SIT ONYOUR ARSE AND NURSE YOUR DAMN KNEE, CRIPPLE"
So yeah. Me being outside 24/7 is why I have been abandoning my flist. I am so sorry guys ;_;. Really, I am. You guys deserve a better buddy.
Anyways, for any of you who may have caught the SVU Tuesday: OMG> I know he probably meant Dani Beck, but when Stabler started talking about meeting a new woman who made him feel alive again, I immediately thought of Olivia. And that assumption blocked out the canonity that is once again Kathy/Elliot. I can handle Cathy/Elliot so long as my brain thinks that Olivia/Elliot still has potential.
In other I-obsess-like-a-loser news, Charmed is the center of my small world at the moment. So much Cole. Love Cole. Cole. Cole. Cole. Cole. Cole. Cole. Cole.
Also, for any of you keeping up with
dangerous_noise, I'll get a major update up after I go away this weekend. We're talking multiple albums, like the Garden State soundtrack, Volta bu Bjork and others. Commet if you have suggestions.