(no subject)

Nov 12, 2006 20:24

i went neurotic the last two days.
i'm better now.
i'm less of a ball of emotions and more of a person.
i would definitely call that better.
i said a lot of things that probably didn't really need to be said.

maybe thats just how i was processing what needed to be said.
maybe i was listening to too many emo music CDs.
maybe i hate my hormones and how they fuck with my mind.

in other news: DYSC meeting was eh because i was SICK and feeling not like being at a meeting. after meeting was copying & stapling flyers which made it so it wasn't until 11:30 that i actually joined the OWL con community in...lazing about? the con was eh. sleeping in the purple cow room was beast. however, i do not like being woken up by a Pheonix ON TOP OF ME. i also do not like not being able to talk. breakfast was beast. so is my pirate-skank dress with jeans. going home early is eh. going crazy is BAD. worrying to death about CONtact is BAD. disrespect in youth group PISSES ME OFF. not having eaten a lot today is a bad thing.

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