Dear Tumblr LiveJournal: So far my guts haven't imploded. This is good.
I did sleep all day, pretty much, and I feel a bit weird, but no imploding. I'll take that as far as not being epically sick goes!
My Firefox extension for saving sessions, however, appears to have imploded, huge session of stuff I really needed and all. The session(s) appear to still be there, at least (or a two-day old copy of them...argh), so later I get to have the fun of digging the stuff I need back out. Hopefully Tab Mix Plus's session restore will prove better able to actually keep my sessions!
I also lost things I was writing because the power flickered repeatedly overnight (hey, UK, why did you send us the wind and rain too?) and my laptop's battery is wonky. I am considerably less pleased about that, as my brain is so crap that I can't even remember what they WERE to rewrite them. All I can remember is I really wanted to remember them. Whyyyyyyy.
(I don't think the battery's totally kaput, it's just wonky enough that it sets off this Ubuntu 10.04 bug that ends up creating a giant log file with the system going "hey, there's something not right with the battery...I think I'll log that and then check again!!" every few seconds and I had to take it out. I should look up how to disable that so Luke might be able to stay on through at least power flickering issues.)
Thank you, shell script. That seems to have worked. Crossing fingers it keeps working :p.